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Chinese Communism and the End of Chinese Communist Revolution

Essay Instructions:

Write an analytical essay (12-point font and 2,500 words max) responding to one of the following quetions. Grou[ work is not permitted; if two submissions are near identical, bth will receive a score of zero. Referencing style should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition. You are required to cite at least three sources from the coure readings.


1. Did the Chinese Communist Revolution end in 1949?

2. To what degree did the reception of Maoism in different parts of the world depend on rgional historical contexts? Compare and contrasy the rception of Maoism in at least three countries.

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This paper seeks to answer the question of whether the Chinese communist revolution ended in 1949. When well defined, a communist revolution signifies a proletarian revolution, other times inspired by Marxism concepts that intend to substitute capitalism with communism. From 1911 to 1945, China went through a revolution, civil warfare among the Nationalists headed by Chiang Kai-Shek, and the Communists headed by Mao Zedong a struggle against warlords, and invasion by the Japanese. The full-blown civil fight began in 1946 after the Japanese conquest in World War II in 1945. In the process of revolution in Chinese, the Communists were supported by the Soviet Union while The Nationalists had back up from the United States. By 1949, the Nationalists and Chiang, regardless of having a lot of soldiers than the Communists, were overpowered and forced to leave the Chinese landmass for the isle of Taiwan. The Nationalists' administration was full of corrupt officials and incompetence. The citizens particularly hated the tax collectors, who were usually nicknamed "blood-sucking devils." Chiang had dictatorial powers, but his commands were generally disregarded. He did not have enough success in rallying nationalism to win unpopular combat against Communists. [Li, Jie, and Enhua Zhang, eds. Red legacies in China: cultural afterlives of the communist revolution. BRILL, 2020.]
Historical Background
Compared to many nations worldwide, China has had its long history of a struggle for prosperity and equality against dictatorship and tyrants. The formation of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949 appeared to have brought hopes to the end of that struggle for a better life. On October 1, a communist leader of the Chinese known as Mao Zedong avowed the establishment of the PRC. "The Chinese individuals have stood up!" he asserted. When the Japanese attacked and occupied Manchuria in 1931, the Republic of China government encountered the triple peril of Communist uprising, Japanese incursion, and warlord insurgences. Mao Zedong was also the leader of the Communist Party of China. Its specified aim was to keep Chinese Marxism through traditional Chinese community components, removing remnants of the capitalist. They also had a goal to implement Mao Zedong Philosophy (recognized outside China as Maoism) as the leading belief in China's Communist Party. The individuals were well-defined as an alliance of four social classes: the national-capitalists, the peasants, the workers, and the petite bourgeoisie. All these classes were to be led by the CPP, as the leader of the working class. [Hunt, Ian. "Book Review on Marxism, China and Globalization (by XU Changfu)." Comparative Philosophy 12, no. 1 (2021): 17.]
Chinese communism has had an incredible continuousness of headship. Mao Zedong and his associates were party-political affiliates in the 1920s. He was contributory in creating an initial system of Chinese socialism in the years 1928- 1934. Mao assisted in growing it and establish the political and military policy in the Yenan ages of 1935 to 1945 that became champion of the civic warfare in 1949. 
 The Beginnings of Chinese Communism
It is evident that the Chinese Communist Party, established in 1921 in Shanghai, initially was a study group at work in the First United Front's confines with the Nationalist party-political. Chinese Communists combined with the Nationalist Militia in the Northern Excursion of 1926–27 to free the generals' country that stopped the establishment of a sturdy central government. A lot of Chinese intellectuals were enticed by Marxism. Those who took part in the May 4th Movement, in addition to others outside it, perceived socialism as a way of averting the skirmishes resulting from capitalism- mainly since at a period of abundant uncertainty toward the West, Maoism could be perceived as a western ideology that might be applied against the West. Eventually, a lot of Chinese social democrat was attracted to anarchism. The head of a Library at Beijing Campus known as Li Dazhao saluted Lenin in June 1918. He witnessed the rebellion in backward Russia as an ideal for China. Li formed a Maoist research group at the campus, which Mao Zedong went to in 1919. He had relocated to Beijing and labored as an office worker in the campus archive. A dean at that Campus and an editor of the liberal journal set on to commit a distinctive concern to Marxism. The article was published on May 1, 1919, under Li Dazhao, which evaluated Communist thoughts, presenting them to the newsletter's readers throughout China.[Collins, Neil, and Andrew Cottey. Understanding Chinese politics: an introduction to government in the People’s Republic of China. Manchester University Press, 2018.]
According to the Russian Communists, the central issue disturbing the Chinese Marxists w...
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