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How Pericles Fostered and Enhanced Democratic Rule in Athens

Essay Instructions:

Please write a 1,500-word essay on ONE of the following questions:

1) What did Pericles do to foster and enhance democracy in Athens?

2) What were Athens' intentions in establishing the Delian League? Liberation and protection of the Ionian Greeks and vengeance against Persia? Or an opportunity for imperialism?

3) Do you think Sparta was overly reluctant and inactive in her policy towards Athens and her growing power? If so, why do you think this might be?

4) “Athens was the responsible for the outbreak of the Peloponnesian War”. Discuss.

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Athenian Democracy
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Athenian Democracy
The Athenian Democracy, a form of direct democracy, was developed in Greece around the 5th Century. It is one of the most famous democracies globally. The Athenian direct democracy got instituted, and citizens got various chances to approve or vote out legislative bills by participating in voting processes (Menaldo, 2009). The Athenian democratic constitution obligated citizens to meet certain principles to vote. For example, individuals voting had to be the age of the majority of citizens, and they must be males. Pericles is considered the best leader to have improved the democracy in Athens after Macedonians suppressed it in 322 BC (Connor, 2018). During his time, Pericles exercised transformational leadership aimed to improve the lives of citizens. The paper discusses how Pericles fostered and enhanced democracy in Athens with close relation to the above analysis. 
Pericles came to power after succeeding the assassinated Ephialtes in 461. He became famous after winning the Corinthian war in 454. He began uniting the Athenian citizens to rule without any form of opposition. Consequently, the Athenian alliance was formed, enabling Pericles to reform the existing democracy. He aimed to make it more efficient and humane. Critically, Pericles laid several guidelines to ensure he succeeded in his question. 
How Pericles Fostered Democratic Rule in Athens
He began fostering democracy by restoring the preeminence of Athenians. For example, Pericles developed a policy to protect the political leadership in Greece and Athenian culture. He was already the leader of the Athenian Alliance when he won the Persian battle of 478 after Spartans withdrew from the war (Kraut, 2000). Consequently, the alliance’s treasury was also transferred from Delos to Athens, made it easy for Pericles to protect it, and withdrew funds necessary to support democratic bills and the government. He promoted unity in Athens by directing the Greek states to rebuild the temples destroyed by soldiers during the Persian War (Cummings, 1995).
On the other hand, Pericles also fostered democracy by funds meant for sacrifices. Greek cities such as Acropolis began thriving with a stable economy and magnificent buildings. The Athenians had never witnessed these developments before. Hence, the citizens started loving and appreciating the leadership of Pericles (Wallace & Burn, 1949). The praise he received from people propelled him to continue laying stable foundations for absolute democratic leadership.
On the other hand, he received criticism from various people, including Thucydides and Melesias. They claimed that these projects used a lot of funds. These individuals also alleged that Pericles used the alliance funds to finance projects (Menaldo, 2009). Hence, they considered his ideas immoral. Pericles opposed the allegation because the Athenian alliances made payments for their defenses. Therefore, Athenians didn’t have to account for funds used in developing Athens. Pericles staged a military force to flush outgrown enemies such as Thucydides, later exiled. Pericles became free without any opposition and saved Athens from autocratic rule.  
Pericles faced hatred from many alliances on his continued quest for democratic rule. He disagreed with using the military by coming up with a peaceful means of solving the issue. For example, he directed some Athenians to settle throughout the empire to gain and strengthen Athenian control. The idea also provided an opportunity to offer new lands to the increasing Athenian population. Critically, his idea worked because his administration managed to flush some rebel communities in Athens. For example, they expelled the barbarians from Gallipoli.
Consequently, he faced a revolt in Boeotia, Euboea, and Megara. Pericles managed to negotiate with the Spartan army and even negotiated with them, forcing Pericles to surrender some of their possessions for the treaty to succeed (Menaldo, 2009). The peace treaty expressed Pericles as a peace lover and astute leader. He was also against the bloodshed of innocent citizens on matters solvable through peaceful measures. The above analysis shows that poor leadership flanked by consistent revolts and opposition denied the Athenian citizens the chance to enjoy their rights and freedoms (democracy). For Pericles to improve democracy, he had to foster it first. Pericles established a humble foundation to attain democracy, uniting people, quelling revolts, and defeating the Spartans and Persians. After fostering Democracy, Pericles had to enhance democracy by adopting several measures. 
How Pericles Enhanced Democratic Rule in Athens
First, Pericles introduced the central government’s power to the Athenian citizens. Pericles empowered the citizens to stand a chance of participating directly on issues concerning activities (Tsakmakis, 2012). For example, they were allowed to vote and question government activities. The opportunity provided by Pericles enabled citizens to understand how the government operates and the number of funds used in developing projects in the education and health sectors (Kraut, 2000). Pericles believed that his Athenian citizen...
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