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An Educative Game - Mission US: Flight to Freedom

Essay Instructions:

Review Assignment

Being able to evaluate historical contributions critically and absorb their contents is a vital skill for any researcher or writer. This assignment will offer an educational game and require students to evaluate the contents. Students should consider what sources the game uses - are they oral or archival, and where were they gathered - and the author's or studio's relationship to the material. Major debates which relate to the game should be identified and discussed within the review. The review must be 1-3 pages in length and correspond to an appropriate journal format suitable for an academic publication


The academic world requires that scholars be able to engage with the thinking of their colleagues in a respectful manner, but be able to offer critical analysis where it is necessary. Reviewing material is an excellent way to better understand it as well as to engage with broader topics.

Learning Outcomes:

Recognize major contributions to research within scholarly publications

Identify and contextualize a given scholar

Demonstrate respectful analysis without hesitating to identify problems


this is the link to be used for the assignment


Students will be provided with a historical game developed to teach African-American history, analyze, and contextualize it in a 1-3 page review. An appropriate style sheet will be attached indicating the journal style which will be adhered to for this assignment, to closely mirror an actual review process.

Mission US: Flight to Freedom

Style Guidelines (from the Journal of West African History: http://jwah(dot)msu(dot)edu/submissions/)

Length: Review essays (not exceeding 1,000 words) should engage the interpretation, meaning, or importance of an author’s argument for a wider scholarly audience. Justification for shorter or longer reviews should be discussed with the Book Review Editor prior to submission.

Style: Head your review according to the Chicago Manual of Style, as follows:

Header format: Title Author City, State: Publisher, Year.

Header Example: Achieving Blackness: Race, Nationalism, and Afrocentrism in the Twentieth Century Algernon Austin New York, NY: New York University Press, 2006.

Include your name and affiliation at the end of the review. Double space your document, with an extra space between paragraphs (rather than indenting each one). For transliteration questions see below. For style questions not addressed in these guidelines, follow the Chicago Manual of Style.

Transliteration: General Guidelines

If there is an English word for a foreign term, please use it. Foreign terms not found in a standard dictionary (e.g., http://www(dot)merriam-webster(dot)com/) should be italicized and fully transliterated according to the appropriate system (see below). However, italicization and transliteration are not necessary for the following: 1. Foreign words found in a standard dictionary, 2. The names of heads of state and similarly well known individuals, and 3. Well known foreign organizations (e.g., Hamas). Foreign titles should be italicized and transliterated (e.g., däǧǧazmač), unless they can be found in a standard dictionary (e.g., sheikh). Use italics for foreign currency terms. Foreign language quotations, long or short, should not be italicized but should include quotation marks.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Mission US: Flight to Freedom
The game Mission US: Flight to Freedom provides and presents players with an excellent opportunity to experience and find a solution to the main problem that bedeviled African Americans, slavery. In the game, the player assumes the role of Lucy, a 14-year-old girl enslaved in Kentucky who manages to escape to Ohio. As Lucy joins the community of abolitionists, the players realize that life in the “free” North is more dangerous than they thought. This danger is exacerbated by the Fugitive Slave Act that threatens all African Americans in the North, bringing new urgency to the anti-slavery movement. The game is quite educative based on the experiences that the players get whenever they play it.
The game, developed from the archives, drawing from a series of books, including one by Ana Vecian-Suarez’s book, “Flight to Freedom,” gives the members who play a sense of what it feels like being commanded around by a master. The players also experience what it feels like to run and leave family behind in search of freedom. It teaches the players how to make difficult life’s difficult decisions, some of which may lead to their downfall, upon which the simulation ends. Given the play's subject matter, some members find the experience extremely emotionally taxing since families are torn apart, people are treated poorly, and characters are imprisoned unfairly. The game also uses certain sensitive terms, such as “Negro”, giving the player a first-hand experience of how it felt working under the colonial masters.[“Flight to Freedom.” MissionUS, July 20, 2021. -us.org/games/flight-to-freedom/.]
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