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The Evolution of the Civil Rights Movement Research

Essay Instructions:

AMH 2020/2042 Essay III Question. 800 to 1000 words. (About 3 pages Long) Double spaced. Times New Roman Font 12 pt. Topic Prompt: (Chap 27) How did the civil rights movement evolve over time, and how did competing ideas and political alliances affect its growth and that of other social movements? 

Your opening paragraph should have a thesis statement. A thesis statement articulates the argument that you will advance throughout the essay. 

Please Note: For the purposes of writing papers, the use of Wikipedia, answers.com, and other non-scholarly websites is prohibited. Papers should be based primarily on the reading assignments. You may also refer to scholarly books and articles secured via the online databases JSTOR and Project Muse. 

Paper Format: Papers should be 3 pages long, written in Times New Roman, 12 point font, with numbered pages. Please include a title for your paper and your name and date. You will submit your paper via turnitin.com Documenting Your Sources. 

Please use Chicago Style “notes and bibliography” system to cite your work. For guidance on documenting your sources see: http://www(dot)chicagomanualofstyle(dot)org/tools_citationguide.html Footnote: 1. James L. Roark et. al. The American Promise: A History of the United States 5th ed. (Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s Press, 2012), 458. 2. Roark, The American Promise, 459. Bibliography Roark, James L. et. al. The American Promise: A History of the United States 5th ed. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s Press, 2012.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Evolution of the Civil Rights Movement
This paper examines the development of civil rights movement and on ways that the ideas as well as political alliances affect the development of civil rights plus extra social groups. The civil rights remained as the protections and privileges offered to all citizens by the law in different countries. The civil rights are rights provided by various nations to their citizens within their territorial boundaries. The Civil Rights group formed the first association in the U.S that became famous on the 1950s and 1960s as it forms a struggle for equal human rights for African-Americans. The long official storyline that concerns the civil rights association running across all the way from Montgomery to Memphis from the year 1955 bus shun. The bus shun in the year 1955 further brought forward Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. between the years 1929-1968 to last struggle in the year 1968 where an assassin stole his life. The civil movements never ended in the year 1968. However, the civil right movement shifted to the new phase.[Sokol, J. (2011). Voices of Civil Rights, /exhibits/civilrights/ and Civil Rights Oral History Interviews: Spokane, Washington, http://content.wsulibs.wsu.edu/cdm-cvoralhist. Journal Of American History, 97(3), 918-920. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jahist/97.3.918]
Evolution of civil rights over time
The civil rights association remained as the struggle that existed in mid years of the 1950s-1960s by African Americans. The struggle majorly focused on the achievement of equal civil rights to those enjoyed by whites. These rights include the same opportunity in employment sector, learning, housing, right to take part in an election, the right of equivalent accessibility to the communal facilities, as well as right to be limitless of any form of ethnic discrimination. The movement evolved with the aim of restoring African-Americans the correct citizenship certain in the U.S.. In the twentieth century, no social or political movement has had the profound effect on the institutions dealing with policy and Legal issues in the United States. Beginning with the integration of postwar by armed force enabled the civil rights coalition won many landmarks victories. The civil rights association in the legislation of the middle years of the 1960 situate the center period for the actual work of fairness in employment opportunities, politics, as well as the military. Following the period of the civil rights association in 1960s, the association confronted original ideas, issues, and counterfeit new alliances. The win of legislative of the year 1960 result to lots of obstacles to equality remained in service sector with housing. The financial equality lagged following political as well as social equality in the cities within the towns.[Goldfield, D. (2015). How the Civil Rights Movement Defined and Defied the 1960s. HN, (8). http://dx.doi.org/10.15626/hn.20010808]
After the year 1960, the rising association mounted the supporting challenges to hard work targeting at growing equality. The late days of years of 1960s, several basics of the civil rights abandoned non-...
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