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Analysis Confederation Day! The Globe, July 1, 1867, pg. 4

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the instructions are in a word document alongside with two documents. one which is the main source, and the other which is the article to back the source up. along side the canadian enclycopedia is required. the link is provided in the instructions.

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“Confederation Day!” The Globe, July 1, 1867, pg. 4
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“Confederation Day!” The Globe, July 1, 1867, pg. 4
This primary source essentially reports about the time when New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the Provinces of Canada comprising Lower Canada and Upper Canada joined together to form one country in the Confederation on 1st July, 1867. This editorial in the Globe newspaper wishes the new confederation of Lower Canada, New Brunswick, Upper Canada and Nova Scotia success on what was then called Confederation Day. Now it is called Canada Day, which is commemorated across the country annually on 1st July. The union took effect on this day under the new constitution. 
The author of the article, who is anonymous, reports that the new Constitution of 1867 is significant and would be famous for a number of reasons. Firstly, this new Constitution brought 2 maritime states of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia into alliance with Upper Canada and Lower Canada. Secondly, it has opened up new markets for the people of the Canadas particularly Upper Canada. Thirdly, it opened up a direct railway route through British territory to the Atlantic. Fourthly, the new Constitution of 1867 relieved the people of Western Canada from a system of demoralization and injustice under which they had been suffering for many years.
The new country as a result of the confederation was known as the Dominion of Canada and the first prime minister of this new nation was John MacDonald. The expanse of Lower Canada was called Quebec whereas the expanse of Upper Canada was called Ontario. Canadians across the new country celebrated and commemorated the foundation of their new nation – the Dominion of Canada.
The author seems very jovial with the new Constitution and the unification of the Canada’s and the two maritime states. According to the author, the success of this union/confederation and the new Constitution is assured only if the inhabitants of the newly united country remain true to themselves and exercise a careful and persistent control over public proceedings. However, the author warns of the danger threatening the new country that Canadians should be wary of: that is, allowing poor leaders who have misgoverned the people for a long time to still continue misgoverning the people in this new country, and allowing the same reckless and irresponsible prodigality of the previous years to still continue to be exhibited in the years to come in the new country. Furthermore, the author is very optimistic of the future of Canada, which is the new country, and strongly believes that the country is going to advance and prosper under the new Constitution.
It is notable that when the Confederation of Lower and ...
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