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Comparison and Contrast

Essay Instructions:
<p>Based on the readings by Azuela and related texts: Compare and contrast the characters by focusing on the dialogues and viewpoints expressed; for example, Demetrio Macias conversations with Cervantes, Venancio, Valderrama, Pintada, Luis Solis, etc. Focus on the various &ldquo;actors&rdquo; created by Azuela as he related their experiences in the most violent years of the Mexican Revolution. Use evidence from Azuela to support the ideas. Length: 750 words maximum &ndash; Provide word count! Essay should be typed and double-spaced. Cite all quotations and paraphrases. Writing is NOT a series of continuous quotations. Make it clear to the reader that you read the text carefully. Write a thesis statement (central argument) in your introduction, then develop the thesis and provide historical evidence (body of your essay), and end with a closing paragraph. Use Chicago Manual of Style. Example, Footnote or End note[1]: Mariano Azuela, The Underdogs with Related Texts (Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company, 2006), 71.</p>
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Comparison and Contrast
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The Underdogs is a novel written by Mariano Azuelo. It is based on the events that took place during the revolution in Mexico. The characters created by the author play a significant role. The characters in the book enable the reader to understand the events as they happened during the revolution. Each character in the story is unique and has a specific attribute with which he is identified with. This discussion looks at each character in the book and compares and contrasts with other characters in the story.
Demetrio Macias
Macias is the leader of the peasants. He intends to lead them to take revenge against the Federales. The Federales are hated by the majority of the people because of the damage that they caused during the revolution. One trait of Demetrio is that he is selfless. He is willing to go an extra mile to ensure that the people he leads finds justice. Further, he is not weakened by the fact his team does not have as much heavy equipment as the federales. Instead, he shows courage and together with his team, they win a number of battles against the federales. Demetrio is the protagonist in the story. Due to his various acts of bravery, he is later promoted to become a general.
Luis Cervantes
He served in the army with the Federal government. He would, however, end up mistreated just like other soldieries. He therefore joined Demetrio’s camp to seek revenge against the government. He has an inquisitive nature, character he may have gained while serving in the military. He however gets disappointed when he realized that the members of the revolutionary groups are not as organized.
General Navera
He previously served in the army in the current government. He, however, got disappointed with the treatment that he was getting. Unlike Demetrio, however, he understands the implications that the revolution is likely to have the politics of the country.
One of the similarities of Demetrio and other characters in the book is that all of them are victims of injustices; Demetrio is forced out of his home when he insults the major, Demetrio was drunk and he carelessly insulted the mayor of the town. The mayor sent some men to throw him out of his house and later set the house ablaze. Other characters that join fo...
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