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Islam in the Balkans

Essay Instructions:

Compare and contrast the process of formation of Muslim communities in Bosnia with the same process in other parts of the Balkans. Which characteristics are unique for the Bosnian case? And which others are similar to other Balkan regions? 12” times new roman double space. Foot note and the page # the quoted idea must be in quotation within the footnote , I mean not just the writer the book the year and the page that's it for example: Noel Malkom, Bosnia, a Short History,(New York: Scribners, 1905).p.22 “In any case, Hobbes' view on ceding power to the sovereign dos not equal dictatorship, because it is t e result of a social contract”. ## use the pdf files I sent to you in your citation , and use Noel Malcolm Bosnia a short history book <<< This is for my own reference so I can revisit your idea while am reviewing the essay. Structure of the essay: should have one page background about Bosnia as will as the other group Albanian for example . and then compare and contrast in both groups the process of formation of Muslim communities and then Which characteristics are unique for the Bosnian case? And which others are similar to other Balkan regions? <-->  Albania page 1 to page 70 so you can talk about Bosnia and page 82 to 119 so you can talk about the other group I sent you the book name and the writer u can't send the hall book I sought you do have the book name is Bosnia:a short story The writer Noël Malcolm New York press 2002 and to be able to write the paper from the book which I assume you have or you can look up at googles book Read from page one 1 to page 70 to know about Bosnia and Islamization of Bosnia The outcome of the process. Of islamization of Bosnia the positive and the negatives And read from page 82 to page 119 to be able to write about the other group which you Are to compare and contrast with Bosnia Islamization You will write about the process of Islamization of the Jews in the Balkans the negative and the positive outcome and compare both process and conclude after that and you also read the PDF FILES I sent with the order as will

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The Bosnia and the Jewish in the Balkans
Various factors exist for the process of Islamization of the Balkan community. It was a gradual process that became distinct among the different periods it developed. Thus, certain periods depicted more employment of techniques to convert people into Islam, motivated by additional factors that neccessitated the move. The Islamization process occurs in different successive stages as pertains to the prevailing conditions facilitating its development. This paper will discuss the Islaminization of two groups in the balkans: the Bosnia and the Jewish groups.[Minkov, Anton. Conversuin To Islam In The Bailkans: Kiswe Bahas, Petitions And Ottoman Social Life, 1670-1730. (Boston: Brill, 2004), p.108]
The Bosnia Group
Bosnia, a country within the Balkan region, stands between the Dalmatian coastal strip and the lowlands of Serbia which served as the entry points for immigrants. The country's terrain points to a highly mountainous area with deep and distributed forest growth. In addition the different landscapes in the country become separated by the many impassable rivers. The ethnic community shows a great divesity of racial groups. a number of invasions occured in Bosnia leading to the increase and diversity in population. The Slav invasions from the sixth to the seventh century forms the basis for the identity of the commuity in terms of culture and language. nonetheless, other racial communities inhabited the region prior to the Slavs' arrival. Illyrians become the earliest population of Bosnia, with Greek and Roman archeological evidence pointing to the common practice of tattoing.[Malcolm, Noel. Bosnia, A Short History (New York: Scribners, 2004), p.1] [Noel (2004, p.2)] [Noel (2004, p.3).]
Before the arrival of the Serbs and the Croats, the existing Slav community engaged in pagan-like form of worship, for instance, through addressing various gods as Veles, the god of thunder. The Bosnians lived under the rule of these two grouos in different stages, with an overturn of leadership as the enhanced Byzantine Empire took control of them in the tenth century. Generally, the identity of the Croats dominated the Bosnian political and religious history. However, due to the inaccessability of the area, the Bosnian Church depicted different aspects far from the principles of the Catholic Church which had been the original foundation for religious practice. Thus, conflict arose among various groups who wanted to take control of Bosnia, such as Hungary which desired to control the bishopric in the country. eventually, the Bosnian Church became obsolete with the arrival of the Turkish army setting the pace for a new religious platform, Islam.[Noel (2004, p.8)] [Noel (2004, p.15)] [Ibid]
The Jewish Group
The Jewish community in the Balkans represents one of the minority populatioins in the rregion. Others include the Gypsies who had inhabited thwe land prior to the conquest by the Ottoman Turks. Most Jews lived in Yugoslavia, with archaelogical evidence pointing to other places as Macedonia, Montenegro and Dalmatia. Macedonia saw an incrrease in the community due to its strategic trading location, thus, attracting additional members. in Bosnia, the population of the Jews became clear in the first century under the rule of the Ottoman reign. Sarajevo, a large city in Bosnia, was fast developing as a trading location nad attracted the settlement of Jews in Bosnia. initially, the Jews resided in Muslim quarters and were later given their own quarters by the Ottoman authorities as a sign of appreciation for assisting in defeating the Habsburgs. similarly to Christians, Jews werre deprived of the legal status awarded to Muslims. In the 17th century, few records exist showing the population of the Jews, such as the data on the number of quarters, known as mahalas, as noted by the traveller, Evliya Celebi. in the subsequent period, 18th century the Jew populaion is clearly depicvted in various records. Thwe community continued to grow gradually into the nineteenth century.[Noel (2004, p.107)] [Noel (2004, p.108)] [Ibid] [Noel (2004, p.109)] [Noel (2004, p.110)]
Belgrade, the Serbian capital, showed great domination of the Jewipsh population with a combination of two clans, the Ashkenaziz and the Sephardics. in early 19th century, the popiulaiion of the Jews showed great increase. The Muslim and the Jewish communitiers were clesely associated in this period drawing resentment from Christians. Most parts of Czech, Hungary, Poland and Galicia inhabited the Ashkenazi tribe of Jew community. This group immigrated to Bosnia with the occupation and reign of the Austro-Hungarian populaion from the late nineteenth century. The Austrians created more opportunities for the Bosnian Jews due to the economic policies that they formulated, advancing themselves into industrial practices. The community of Jews that had converted dirimng the Turkish rule was highly motivated by the growing relations with the Muslim popilation. The Ottoman authority favoured the Jews due to their expetise as merchants and pharmacists, thus used to offer diplomatic and personal guidance.[Noel (2004, p.111)] [Donia, Robert J., Sarajevo: A Bibliography. (United Kingdom: University Of Michigan Press, 2006), p.63] [Robert (2006, p.60)] [Noel (2004, p.112)]
Forms and Factors For Conversion To Islam
Islamicitization in the fifteenth century depicts as a slow process as ...
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