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Climate Change And Human Culture: Anthropocene

Essay Instructions:

Use a historical perspective to make an argument about the relationship between.

Climate change and human culture) asked to write, need to refer to at least four classes within the requirements of the article, the requirements of the articles in the outline of Section 1: climate change in the Day1 to Day4 offer (that is, the tutorial to read articles), please do not apply other articles.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Use a historical perspective to make an argument about the relationship between. Climate change and human culture Your Name Course No. Professor UNIVERSITY CLIMATE CHANGE AND HUMAN CULTURE During the Holocene era, human culture was tied to the environment. The human interaction with naturewas largely as they extracted natural resources for their survival. This human-ecological interplay did not lead to wanton destruction of the environment. Then anthropocene emergedpresaged by massive industrialization and fossil fuel extraction. The advent of the steam engine and other forms of industrialization prior to the second WWII marked the beginning of greenhouse gas emissions. The emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere sparked the onset of ozone layer depletion, thus leading to global warming. Subsequently, this paved way for climate change, and subsequently, climate changes. This essay argues that it’s human culture that triggered anthropocene even though anthropocene and the great acceleration are also to blame for the persistent human cultural depletion. The link between human culture and climate change is indisputable. Different scholars and scientists have explored the relationship between climate change and culture. Although divergent views as pertains to the interpretation and meaning of the anthropocene exist, there is scholastic concurrently that the looming disaster was elicited by climate change (Vansintjin 2015, p4). More so, its impact on human culture cannot be overemphasized. The emission of greenhouse gases that has begun with the advent and subsequent use of fossil fuels has caused gaseous imbalance within the stratosphere. The greenhouse gases have continually depleted the Ozone layer that hitherto protected the planet from the intensity of the sun. This has been further exacerbated by human activities such as deforestation and poor land use practices that have triggered global warming and subsequently climate change. The climatic changes resulting from global change have had a significant impact on people’s way of life. Although Vansintjin (2015) contends that the anthropocene phenomenon cannot primarily be attributed to human activities but a combination of diverse processes and events, he however, acknowledges that nature and culture are inseparable, and so are human desires and natural forces (Vansintjin, 2015, p.5). Global warming and climate change have adversely affected the natural ecosystems within which human beings exist. Given the link between human culture and nature, it goes without saying that climate change has adversely impacted on human life. The advent of human civilization progressively led to the formation of different institutions such as the military, police forces, capitalism and power relations between people of different classes (Vansintjin, 2015, p.5). It is these institutions that have progressively led to the destruction of human culture and overexploitation natural resources. This combination of diverse human activities linked to human civilization has upset the ecological balance that triggered anthropocene and ‘The Great Acceleration’ between 1950-2000 (Vansintjin, 2015, p.5). Anthropocene is a grave issue of human concern given the impact of climate change on human culture. This impact is evident from different studies that have been conducted in communities that have for long pegged their livelihood on their continued interaction with the environment. Some of these studies have shown that the Inuit have witnessed a progressive degeneration in their way of life since the 1950s which affirms anthropocene and subsequently, greater acceleration. Cultural degeneration is set to continue and could lead to a global cultural catastrophe as human population explosion continues to exert pressure on the finite natural resources (McNeill & Peter Engelke, 2014, p6). As humans continue to overexploit natural resources to meet their ever ballooning needs, the subsequent ecological impact will definitely affect their way of life. McNeill and Engelke (2014)suggest that it is important that we evaluate how the Great Acceleration degenerated into anthropocene as this will be essential towards averting further degeneration of human culture. McNeill and Engelke (2014) define anthropocene as a new dispensation in which human activities overshadows that of other living organisms. Thi...
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