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N’COBRA Final Essay. Chinese culture. History Essay

Essay Instructions:

Here is the instruction from the instructor.

Write a final essay based on your research topic. Included in your writing on this topic you should utilize one secondary source (an academic book or journal article on the subject) and two primary sources (a newspaper account, oral history, official document) on the topic. You may also incorporate aspects of your cultural readership essay where appropriate. This portion of the assignment should be 3-5 pages double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, 1-inch margins. You will need to use Chicago Manual of Style for footnote citation purposes. Your essay MUST have a thesis statement.

Please write down three full pages essay according to the research paper you have written down and three resources you have found before and I will attach it.

If you want to incorporate aspects of the culture, please use Chinese culture.

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Black African Americans and minority groups in America have suffered from continued victimization and discrimination from the larger and majority white community. The black African Americans specifically endured a great deal of suffering since the period of slavery when they were subjected to inhumane treatment and forced labor. They were beaten, raped, killed and forced to live like animals and savages. The Native Americans considered them to be an inferior race. Later, slavery was abolished over 100 years ago through the 13th amendment of the US constitution. Through the amendment, America became a liberal country where all citizens have equal rights and also it is illegal to subject anyone to forced labor. Nonetheless, there have been substantial efforts by various African Americans and civil rights organizations to seek justice for the mistreatment endured during the slavery period and overall discrimination and victimization against people of African American descent over the years. N’COBRA is one such group that has been at the center of advocating for reparations to the descendants of all the former slaves. The essay examines the history of the N’COBRA organization, the challenges it has faced and some of the achievements it has had over the years.
The N’COBRA organization was formed in 1987 with the sole purpose of seeking compensation from the US government and corporations that took advantage of the African Americans through committing them to forced labor during the slavery period. The compensations otherwise known as reparations were initially supposed to be primarily monetary but the organization later reiterated and included land and economic developments as part of the package. In addition, the organization intends to obtain a formal apology from the “white” community on the injustices they perpetrated against the black African Americans. N’COBRA’s top leadership is majorly dominated by successful African Americans including lawyers and renowned civil activists. Over the years, the organization has managed to grow and spread out to other continents such as Africa and South America. Tate in her article notes on the significance of the organization and states “Members of N’COBRA seek reparations because of the many injuries caused from slavery and the continuing effect it has had upon the black race”. The statement from Tate is a further revelation of the injustices that the African Americans have been subjected to long after the abolition of the slave trade, which seemingly is being passed down from one generation to the next. It’s noted that the many African Americans were lynched during the periods 1882 to 1968 under the Jim Crow era and many others lost their properties and only source of livelihoods. Furthermore, they were sidelined from quality medical services and home-mortgage markets, which forced them to reside in deplorable conditions in the slums and ghetto’s. It’s in light of these circumstances that the N’COBRA was formed to address and seek justice.[Tate, Katherine. "Will America Ever Pay? Racial Justice And Reparations." The Forum 2.3 (2013): n. page]

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