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History Essay: Art History, Architecture Essay Exam

Essay Instructions:

1) Throughout the course we have seen many instances where buildings and urban spaces are used as tools of power in the service of the State or religion. Discuss the role of architecture as a means of expressing power. How does a building or space express power? Be certain to discuss at least FOUR examples from the course to support your ideas.

2) The Industrial Revolution played an important role in the architecture of the late 19th and 20th Centuries. Write about the role that emerging 19th-century construction techniques and materials played in the evolution of late 19th and 20th-century architecture. Discuss at least THREE examples of buildings and their architects that explore modern technological advances in architecture. How did they use these modern technologies? What is noteworthy about these buildings, and why do we consider them significant? Finally, what do William McDonough and Michael Braungart as expressed in the film, “The Next Industrial Revolution” (https://vimeo(dot)com/20372160) want to change about how we build and design our world?

This is not a research paper, but IF you use quotes or paraphrase from a source such as the textbook, please be sure to include the source and page number in parentheses so the TA can find your source. For example (A Global History of Architecture, p. 1)

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Art History, Architecture Essay Exam
1) Throughout the course we have seen many instances where buildings and urban spaces are used as tools of power in the service of the State or religion. Discuss the role of architecture as a means of expressing power. How does a building or space express power? Be certain to discuss at least FOUR examples from the course to support your ideas.
In different periods of history, the class with political and economic power has required buildings that represent their values ​​and aspirations. Different leaders and political regimes in have commissioned their official architects to design buildings with a monumental character for the powers of the government. The temple of Mars ultor, Forum of Augustus in Rome dedicated to mass the avenger was one of the first to express power (A Global History of Architecture, p. 167) among the ancient Romans statues of revered figures were depicted and the Greeks adopted this to represent gods and goddesses (167)
Using architecture to express power mostly influenced the design and imagery that had expressive forms such as Greco-Roman architecture and were perceived to represent grandeur. The design and imagery based on the architecture that reflects power tend to be impressive. In the Roman Empire the buildings in the Corinthian capitals such as the temple of Athena, tegea, and the temple of castor and Pollux are grand and large columns that were a common feature of the architecture (A Global History of Architecture, p. 169). The choice of design, building size, location and materials were considered to build outstanding buildings.
Monuments tend to transcend time and are reflected in history, which influence political leaders to support the design and building that will shape their legacy and reflect their power. The Meridian Gate, Forbidden City, Beijing, China was built by Chinese emperors during the Ming dynasty, who believed that it was the center between the empire and heaven and they were sons if heaven (492). The development of architecture is closely linked with art and history, and architecture responds to various needs including political ones where leaders commission easily recognizable buildings that reflect their power and administration. Grand buildings such as the Forbidden City, which was an imperial palace complex, were crucial to the bureaucracy.
The architect is an artist who looks for a clientele capable of financing his concepts of space and to build their preferred aesthetic projects. Still, they may also advance professionally when commissioned to do works of influential leaders. Both emperors and modern leaders have in the past commissioned the design of elegant buildings and monuments that are part of their legacies. Political leaders influence wealth distribution and may favor some arts over others, including supporting certain architectural styles. Power has leveraged the capabilities of architecture, but architecture is at times linked to power through the focus on pleasing those in power. This extends to using propaganda to praise leaders and their mark in history as reflected by extravagant and unique buildings.
2) The Industrial Revolution played an important role in the architecture of the late 19th and 20th Centuries. Write about the role that emerging 19th-century construction techniques and materials played in the evolution of late 19th and 20th-century architecture. Discuss at least THREE examples of buildin...
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