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Rome politics and French Revolution History Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

You are asked to focus on the legacy of Roman rule in the western provinces. Throughout the subsequent histories of Britain, Gaul, the Iberian Peninsula and even Germany, the periods of Roman conquest and rule have been points of reference or touch stones. In some ways, these subsequent histories claim direct connection to the Romanworld in a variety of ways (cultural, political, military, etc.) and for a host of reasons; in others, there is clear narrative of resistance to Roman rule, often to resurrect or propagate some other historical identity in the contemporary world. This generation of an historical narrative to justify government policies, cultural attitudes, etc. and is an important way in which the past, or at least a specific interpretation of the past, can directly interact with the present. For this essay, you are asked to focus on one of these connections :

the associated historical narrative, and the cultural or social function of the connection. Your goal is to describe the connection concisely, including a brief overview of its history, and then to analyze the use to which elements of awestern Europeanculture or society have put this connection in their own contemporaryor more recenthistorical circumstances.

Your choice of connection must be very specific in order for you to write about it in any detail.

3 pages in length.

You are prohibited from using resources that I have not provided. Your essay will base on the two articles I posted. Read them carefully

Please use the Chicago format, read the web site if your are not sure.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Rome Politics and French Revolution
Ideally, Roman rule's legacy was extended to subsequent histories and is also common in western provinces. Additionally, the periods of Roman conquest have often been a point of reference to different histories. The contemporary histories connect to Roman rule in various ways, such as through cultural, political, or military aspects. Besides, the generalization between the contemporary world and the periods of the Roman conquest is made to justify some government policies and explore other cultural attitudes, among other reasons. For example, numerous contemporary issues would be connected with the happenings during the Roman rule. For example, the changing concepts of citizenship attributed to the globalization of society, politics, and economy have facilitated mass migrations where people move from one country to another. Traditionally, foreigners qualified as citizens of a given country if they accepted some moral, cultural, and political views of the host. For instance, individuals who wished to become British citizens were required to share some values and ways of life with other Britons.[Ralph W. Mathisen, 2006. "Peregrini, Barbari, and Cives Romani: Concepts of Citizenship and the Legal Identity of Barbarians in the Later Roman Empire." The American Historical Review 111 (4): 1011-1040.]
Furthermore, the movement of people between countries reflects the idea of global citizenship. This is fundamental in encouraging unification elements that bring people from different societies together. Most importantly, global citizenship is promoted by governments because it encourages an identification strategy that is free from divisiveness based on racial and religious affiliations. There is a connection between the past and the contemporary concepts of citizenship. In fact, the period during the Roman empire would be critical for governments to understand what may or may not work about citizenship. Some philosophers during the Roma Empire defined themselves as the “citizens of the world”. Philosopher Marcus Aurelius referred to himself as a citizen of the world-city, which asserts that people are treated and governed with equal laws. Therefore, in this case, the concept of good people examines a situation where citizens and non-citizens are given equal treatments and are not discriminated against based on their national boundaries.[Mathisen, "Peregrini, Barbari, and Cives Romani: Concepts of Citizenship and the Legal Identity of Barbarians in the Later Roman Empire," 1012,] [Mathisen, "Peregrini, Barbari, and Cives Romani: Concepts of Citizenship and the Legal Identity of Barbarians in the Later Roman Empire," 1012.]
With the support of the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius strengthened and fortified world citizenship, which was implemented in Roman legislation. Global citizenship would be likened to world citizenship. This helps in demonstrating the connection existing between the contemporary world and the Roman rule. For example, the formation of the European Union encouraged the establishment of the European constitution, where people from the member states would be cognized as citizens of the Union. This form of citizenship is borrowed by the contemporary government from Roman rule and is aimed at creating a society where people are not defined by their nationality. Additionally, it is critical to realize that th...
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