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The 2016 US Presidential Elections Investigations

Essay Instructions:


Please address one of the following questions in a 3-4 page research paper, complete with bibliography and citations. Be sure to demonstrate your command of the content, reasoning and logic, and above all you need a single main point in your introduction that is then substantiated and defended in the body of your paper. Please make your paper as professional as possible, with citations, cover page, etc.

Answer ONE of the questions below.

What ought to be the proper role of Congress in Strategic Intelligence? Is there a proper role in oversight of strategic intelligence activities, in ensuring that the policy expressed in budget and appropriations laws is being followed, in ensuring that the will of the people and the necessity of national security is being carried out properly by the executive branch of government?


Describe and explain the Church Committee hearings in the 1970s. What impact did it have on the U.S. Intelligence Community? If you choose this topic, here is one reference to consider: Schwarz, Frederick A. O. 2007. "The Church Committee and a New Era of Intelligence Oversight." Intelligence and National Security 22 (2): 270-97. https://doi-org(dot)ezproxy2(dot)apus(dot)edu/10.1080/02684520701303881


Congressional investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election created significant issues and controversies. House and Senate investigations seemed to come to different conclusions. Develop and analyze the main issues with these investigations, what went wrong, and what can be done to improve such oversight activities of the IC in the future.

Also, please review the attached literacy information tools to help with your research and writing of this paper.

Please follow the below requirements:

General Requirements

1. Document Format.

a. MS Word document

b. One-inch (1") margins (double-spaced)

c. Times New Roman Font

d. Twelve (12) pitch

2. Citation Format: The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017 available online at: http://www(dot)chicagomanualofstyle(dot)org/home.html The Author-Date system is recommended.

3. Graphics are allowed and encouraged (but they don't count on length).

4. Students must (1) employ imaginative approaches to answer the question being asked; (2) display an impressive command of the subject matter beyond the immediately obvious; (3) demonstrate a high level of critical thinking and reflecting on current and world views, and genuine intellectual development; and (4) excel in explaining all major points using multiple examples from the course readings or individual research.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The 2016 US Presidential Elections Investigations
The 2016 US Presidential Elections Investigations
The 2016 US presidential polls were marred in claims that triggered a series of investigations by both the congress and the senate. The two houses indulged in prolonged investigations aimed at exploring the claims. However, even with the completion of the investigations, questions still arise about the 2016 polls. There are debates on whether the polls were corrupted as implied by the investigations or whether it was an attempt to taint the names of some individuals. The varying outcomes in the two investigating houses imply the challenge of incoherence. A detailed analysis of the primary issues under investigations for both houses could have instilled a better understanding of what happened and how the problems would be addressed without indulging the world into confusion with different conclusions from the congress and the senate.
The Primary Issues
Multiple issues were contested in the 2016 US presidential polls that warranted investigations by both the congress and the senate. Before the investigations, a series of events occurred to imply interference of the election outcomes by other parties. The major contested issue was, hence, whether parties such as Russia and Wikileaks were involved in interfering with the 2016 US polls. There were also a series of cyberattacks aimed at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and its members. The outcomes of the attacks were leaked emails. Claims, later on, emerged that the Trump campaign team used the leaked emails to seek undue advantage in the elections. Hence, the primary issues were claims of hacking of the DNC, a series of cyberattacks on the electoral systems, undue use of social media platforms to fuel a specific political agenda, and the active involvement of Russia in deciding the president of the US. All the above issues were subject to investigations by different committees of the congress and the senate.[Long, Nicholas Chad. "The Impact of Incumbent Scandals on Senate Elections, 1972–2016." Social Sciences 8, no. 4 (04, 2019).]
The outcomes of investigations by both houses differed greatly on political grounds. The congress led the investigations with the allegations aimed at instituting quid pro quo in the electoral process. Texas GOP Senator Ted Cruz instigated serious criminal investigations following the Wikileaks report. The FBI and state department were to be enjoined in the investigations. The investigations would further delve into the malicious cybercrimes instituted by unknown individuals on private emails and social media platforms. The congress investigations were completed with an understanding of unsupported claims of quid pro quo. Conversely, the Senate investigations took longer and made different conclusions. On August 18, 2020, the Senate released the fifth volume of its report on the investigations. In the last volume, the senate explored the collusion between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks to release the private emails to the advantage of the GOP.[Kevles, Daniel J. "Practical Pressures and Scientific Payoffs: A Long View of Knowledge and Utility in Federal Research." Social Research 84, no. 3 (Fall, 2017): 572]
What Went Wrong
The investigations in the congress majorly were unconvincing leading to questions of undue interference. The outcomes of the investigative committee by congress did not explore the issues in detail. The investigations majorly focused on the ou...
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