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Creative Writing
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Why do conflicts over scarce renewable resources turn violent? Analysis

Essay Instructions:

The assignments for week 5 and 6 will help you develop your critical eye when it comes to reading the literature. The goal is for you to use this as an opportunity to identify the research design and methods that are being carried out by the authors. This skill will serve you moving forward as it will allow you to draw from the literature for your own research moving forward. Looking to the literature for clues can be helpful when it comes to designing your own research as you move forward in the program.

Select two articles from the list below and in two pages double-spaced (per article) address the following:

Include the full reference for the article using the writing style specific to your program on the title page.

Criminal Justice = APA

International Relations, National Security, Military Studies, and Intelligence Studies = Turabian.

Since multiple writing styles are in use within this course, on your title page, please note which style you are using within your assignment. This will help me cater my comments to the style you are using. The style you use need to be the one that is used within your program of study.

State the main goal(s) of the study

Summarize the research design, and discuss the research method(s) used to answer the research question or assess the hypothesis.

Summarize the results of the study.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the study's research design.

Provide a discussion on how the study can be moved forward. For example, how can the methods be used in your own research proposal? In what other research might these methods apply? Include two well phrased research questions that could be used in follow-on studies to the one reviewed.

Format: You should have 1-inch margins on all 4 sides of your papers; your title page should include your name and date; you should use 12-point times new roman font throughout.

Things to keep in mind:

Avoid using the first person in formal writing and instead write with an academic voice throughout. Academic voice is usually written in the third person (he, she, it), not first person (I, we) or second person (you). Be consistent in voice and person. See Grammar Girl, "First, Second, and Third Person," Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing, January 20, 2011, http://grammar(dot)quickanddirtytips(dot)com/first-second-and-third-person.aspx/. Furthermore, the academic voice avoids abbreviations, contractions, jargon, and slang. Even informal academic discussions are more formal than causal chat among friends.

The body of your work should be made up of no more than 20% direct quotes.

As you proof read your assignment I encourage you to work with Belcher, Wendy Laura. 2009. "Editing Your Sentences" In Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success. Sage. This resource has a nice step by step process for enhancing your writing.

Note: In the case of a broken link each of these articles can be found either within the APUS online library or on the open web.

Intelligence Studies Articles

Stime, Britta. 2017. "Counterinsurgency Agent Networks and Noncombatant-Targeted Violence." Intelligence and National Security 32, no. 1: 107-125.

Thomson, James. 2016. "Governance Costs and Defense Intelligence Provision in the UK: A Case-Study in Microeconomic Theory." Intelligence and National Security 31, no. 6: 844-857.

Nussio, Enzo and Kimberly Howe. 2016. "When Protection Collapses: Post-Demobilization Trajectories of Violence." Terrorism and Political Violence 28, no. 5: 848-867.

Rabinowitz Or and Nicholas L. Miller. 2015. "Keeping the Bombs in the Basement: U.S. Nonproliferation Policy toward Israel, South Africa, and Pakistan." International Security 40, no. 1: 47-86.

International Relations and Conflict Resolution Articles

Ide, Tobias. 2015. Why do conflicts over scarce renewable resources turn violent? A qualitative comparative analysis. Global Environmental Change 33 : 61-70.


Abdulkadir, Rahma, and Caroline Ackley. 2014. "The Role of Shari'a-Based Restorative Justice in the Transition from Armed Conflict to Peacebuilding: Do Somalis Hold the View That the Restorative Justice Aspects within Qisas Offer a Solution?." Northeast African Studies 14, no. 2: 111-131. International Security & Counter Terrorism Reference Center, EBSCOhost (accessed January 3, 2017). http://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com(dot)ezproxy2(dot)apus(dot)edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=tsh&AN=98799055&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Oyewole, Samuel. 2016. The fate of hostages: Nigeria's conflict theatres in comparative perspective. African Security Review 25 (2): 193-207. http://www(dot)tandfonline(dot)com(dot)ezproxy2(dot)apus(dot)edu/doi/full/10.1080/10246029.2016.1155466

Essay Sample Content Preview:

SSGS Week 6
Creative Writing
Article 1
Ide, Tobias. "Why do conflicts over scarce renewable resources turn violent? A qualitative comparative analysis." Global Environmental Change 33 (2015): 61-70.
The goal of the study
The study “Why do conflicts over scarce renewable resources turn violent? A qualitative comparative analysis" primary goal was to investigate “why intergroup conflicts over scarce, renewable resources in peripheral areas of the global South escalate into violence.” The study’s goal bridges the gap between scholars who argue that renewable resources are a source of violence in some regions and those who reject the existence of such a link.
Research design and methods
The study employed a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) design, which can be described as a method of analyzing the causal input of different circumstances to an outcome. In practice, Qualitative Comparative Analysis begins with the recording of different factors that can be observed in an outcome and ends with subjecting those factors to a minimization procedure that attempts to identify the simplest factors that can account for both the presence and absence of outcomes. In the study, twenty cases were subjected to Qualitative Comparative Analysis as a means of detecting the conditions under which conflict linked to scarce renewable resources occur. The twenty articles used in the study were also tested for robustness using Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to ensure that they satisfy violent escalation conditions. 
The study’s main finding is that no specific circumstance can be acknowledged as the source of conflict in areas where there are scarce renewable resources. The study also found out that for conflict to occur, “two structural conditions (negative othering and low power differences) and one triggering condition (recent political change)” must simultaneously exist. Furthermore, the study found out that those concepts known as high power differences are not robust enough to cause conflict in areas with scarce renewable resources. This finding is interesting considering that high power differences such as ethnic marginalization have been documented as conditions that result in violent escalation. Lastly, the study found out that it is difficult to resolve conflict among pastoralist groups in semi-arid regions because all the groups involved are equally powerful.
Advantages and disadvantages of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) design
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)’s major advantage is that it uses quantitative and qualitative data to assess theories and the impact of essential circumstances on projects' outcomes in different contexts. Due to this advantage, the researchers investigated the relationship between scarce renewable resources and intergroup conflicts in Turkana (Kenya), Ethiopia, Niger, Nigeria, and Senegal. Furthermore, Qualitative Comparative Analysis effectively tests multiple factors and how a combination of factors leads to an outcome’s success or failure. Nevertheless, when assessing factors in different contexts, Qualitative Comparative Analysis employs a rating scale to determine whether the factors are sufficient for a successful outcome. The use of a single rating scale makes it difficult to determine whether the subsequent scores reflect the extent to which the factors under study are present in various contexts fairly.
How to move the study forward
Qualitative Comparative Analysis can use relatively simple and small data sets to achieve statistical significance. This implies that although research should be based on adequate data, it is still possible to establish an independent variable’s impact on a dependent variable if data is limited. As a result, Qualitative Comparative A...
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