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Visual & Performing Arts
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The Painting “Judith Slaying Holofernes” by Artemisia Gentileschi

Essay Instructions:

Research Paper Assignment: Written Analysis of a Work of Art

Due by 11:59pm in Week 8 on Monday, February 14- 21st , 2022. Make sure it is turned in during this week!

Worth 100 points.



In “normal” times, this paper requires you to visit a work of art in person – in a museum or gallery or other exhibition space – and write an analysis on its FORMAL (elements of art, principles of design) and CONCEPTUAL (context, subject matter, meaning) qualities.

Since It is difficult to visit an art museum this quarter, we’re going to rely on a really cool web tool to help us get really close to a work of art! Some of you may already know about the Google Arts & Culture site (Links to an external site.) (https://artsandculture(dot)google(dot)com/ (Links to an external site.)). Within it, you can browse the content or search for specific works of art/artists -- just look for the “hamburger” menu symbol (3 parallel horizontal lines) in the upper left to navigate.


What I want you to do is explore for a while and find a work of art – ANY work of art – that interests you. But I want it to be a work of art that you can use the site’s zoom tool to see minute details that we could never pick up on in our textbook or regular web viewing, and quite possibly by standing in front of the work. YOU MUST ATTACH AN IMAGE OF THE WORK YOU CHOOSE.

As you pan across, zoom in, and take in full the work of art you have selected, take notes on the FORMAL elements / DESIGN principles. Be sure to get all the important identification information (artist, title, date, media, size) – you must include this in your paper as well as an image (small thumbnail is just fine).

Next, you will want to research some background information about the artist and the work to help address the CONCEPTUAL aspects.

In your 2 to 3-page (double-spaced) research paper, you must address the following:

Explore the media and methods used to create this work. Use information from the course to explain the process used to make this work.

Analyze this work using the elements and principles of design

Examine the form and content of this work – how do the two relate?

Read through Part 5 of our course text on The Themes of Art. Connect this work of art to one of the themes discussed in Chapters 21-27. Compare your work of art to a work of art from one of these theme chapters. How can two works from a different time and/or place both share similar themes?

Include an image of the piece as an attachment.

Write in the third person, so no "I, we, you" etc.


1. Provide at least three authoritative sources (that is, if you can’t find the sponsor/author or his/her/its credentials, then pass on that source) for this paper and provide a bibliography in MLA or Chicago style format at the end of your paper. Wikipedia is not a valid source for this paper. To find credible online sources use www(dot)scholar(dot)google(dot)com. Museum websites and Art21.org are also valuable resources online. Additional websites can be found under the Resources tab in links.

2. Your paper must 2 to 3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font, 1” margins (or thereabouts).

3. Your paper should have a key point in the introduction. Make a claim -- a thesis statement -- and then support it with your analysis of the work. The final paragraph should be a conclusion, where you validate your point by reiterating the evidence presented in the paper. Make sure your paper also has a title, introduction, body and conclusion.

4. Turn in your paper as a document using the drop box.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Painting “Judith Slaying Holofernes” by Artemisia Gentileschi
The painting “Judith Slaying Holofernes” by artist Artemisia Gentileschi depicts a moment when Judith beheads the general. In this art, Judith Maiden is portrayed helping her in the process of beheading the general (Tran, 2018). The theme of the power of women seems to be elaborated in the arts as Judith, and her maiden are depicted struggling to behead the general, who is portrayed to be strong. The maiden even has to struggle more since she is grabbed by the strong hand and seems younger than Judith. There is even a wide sprout of blood, an indication that the women slaying the general were something that needed courage. On the other hand, Judith Beheading Holofernes is an artwork by Caravaggio and is said to have been painted in 1602 (Pritchard, 2015). Caravaggio chose to portray the most dramatic moment of the actual decapitation of the general’s head by Judith. Judith’s face in this painting portrays that she is content with her act of beheading the general, as her maid is standing next to her with a bag. Thus, through various principles of design utilized, the paper will discuss how the theme of power of women is depicted in the paintings.
The principles of design
The principle of design incorporated by Artemisia Gentileschi is movement. Looking at her work, one feels that the eyes are led to move from one point to the next. One feels compelled to look at where one of the generals’ hands was held and where the other one was struggling, one after the other. Thus, through this design principle, Artemisia Gentileschi could create a narrative that well explains her work. On the other hand, the principle of design incorporated by Caravaggio is in contrast. Contrast is demonstrated due to ...
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