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A Definition of Art

Essay Instructions:

Please include bibliography and 2 pages essay of at least 350 words. I had attached what my definition of art class from the first day of class and Module 3 Lecture so we can use that to compare my first initial definition of art. If any questions please let me know. Thank you!

INSTRUCTIONS FOR ESSAY #3: A Definition of Art

In our third and final essay, we return to the definition of visual art that you posted during the first week of the course.

State what your original definition of art was when you wrote about this in the Module 1 discussion forum.

Think about all of the various works of art we have seen in the class.

Identify two works of art that challenged your original definition of visual art. Compare and contrast these two works of art and explain how they relate to your definition of art. Maybe you liked them, maybe you didn't, but were there some works of art you saw that expanded your definition of, what art can be, or what art can do? INCLUDE VISUALS OF EACH.

Write a new definition of art that encompasses what you now know about the role of art and artists.

Research and a bibliography are required for this essay. Read the guidelines below before writing your essay.

Short Essay #3 is due in Module 10 on August 14th, at midnight.

Compare and Contrast Guidelines:

Prepare a brief essay (approximately 350 words) that addresses each point raised in the introduction above.

Your essay should compare key points in the works and contrast what is similar or different.

Additional research is required to answer the question. Search for additional information in the course text and online. Remember, Wikipedia is not always a reliable source! Anyone can post things online - you want to make sure you find a source that knows what they are talking about.

Be sure to provide your sources for this additional information in a bibliography in Chicago or MLA format. A bibliography is required.

Spelling and grammar are important, proof read before posting.

Please read Notes on Essay Writing From the Instructor before writing your essay.

Please review the Essay Grading Rubric before writing your essay

Essay Sample Content Preview:
A Definition of Art
My original definition of art in the Module 1 discussion forum was founded on the unique observations and feelings a work of art imbued in me. I believed a work of art to be a product developed using creativity, skills, and imagination. I thought that art works should not be judged from the observer’s cultural point of view since one is likely to miss the artist’s true intentions and expression. Every culture has its own views and understandings, which may differ markedly from my own. In my discussion forum, I singled out The Portrait of Mnonja, 2010 and Les Demoiselles d’ Avignon, 1907 as two of the pieces of art that interested me the most. I perceived the first work of art as the representation of a confident, attractive, and sophisticated woman. On the other hand, I found the second work of art to be a good testament of Picasso’s creativity and I finally realized why he became such a famed artist. However, after taking more art classes and viewing several other works of art, two pieces challenged my original definition of visual art. The first piece of art was Masaccio’s The Holy Trinity, With the Virgin and Saint John and Donors painted in 1428 and situated at Santa Maria Novella Church, Florence, Italy.
The title of the painting is derived from the three key figures: Christ on the cross, God the Father standing behind Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Mary and St. John are also depicted at the foot of the cross. All the figures in the painting form a kind of pyramid shape, a technique that was common during the Renaissance period. Masaccio employed the linear perspective of making objects seem smaller as space recedes to generate the illusion of space on a 2-dimensional surface. Masaccio was the first artist during the Renaissance period to apply Brunelleschi’s concept of linear perspective: for instance, orthogonal lines can be traced at the edges of the coffers and appear to retreat in the distance. Since the artist wanted the viewer to see the work from a low viewpoint as if staring up at Christ, the diagonal lines receding into the distance heighten the painting’s visual effect. There is a certain palpable realism in the work that is rare in other Renaissance paintings. For example, God is shown as a man capable of standing, unlike other Renaissance images that only represented him using a hand to imply that he was an abstract force.[Joseph Polzer, “The Anatomy of Masaccio’s Holy Trinity,” Jahrbuch Der Berliner Museen 13 (1971): 18, https://doi.org/10.2307/4125722.]
Here, Masaccio succeeds at bringing God cl...
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