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Live Music Review – JCM Exposed: Morton Schiff Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Combo

Essay Instructions:

Essay Instructions
A live music review about

JCM Exposed: Morton Schiff Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Combo | Setnor Ensemble Series

See video Attach

Essay #3: Live music review (live-streamed okay)


To develop critical listening and writing skills. To survey musical events taking place during the semester. To evaluate individual concerts in greater musical landscape.


Research the performers and their musical style(s) ahead of ONE concert: include at least two sources from the library database

Gioia, Ted, The History of Jazz, 3rd edn (New York, 2021; online edn, Oxford Academic, 18 Mar. 2021), https://doi(dot)org/10.1093/oso/9780190087210.001.0001, accessed 30 Nov. 2022.
Gagatsis, Alexander. Review of Jazz Places: How Performance Spaces Shape Jazz History, by Kimberly Hannon Teal. Music and Letters 103, no. 3 (2022): 569-572. muse.jhu.edu/article/865016.

Attend the performance.

For the review:

Contextualize the performance: According to your research, how did the performers engage with the history of the music genre?

Provide an overview of the program and the performance.

What were the most memorable moments?

Any areas that were unexpected or could be improved?

How do you see/hear this group/music in the current and future musical landscape?

Your review needs to have at least 600 words. Please include a word count.

Proofread for organization and sentence structure.

Criteria for success

Thoroughness of research with proper citation

Proper contextualization of concert with relevant background information of the performers and their musical styles.

Succinct description of overall program.

Detailed description of special moments.

Convincing assessment of performance in greater musical landscape.

Clarity in organization and sentence structure

Timely submission

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Live Music Review
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Instructor’s Name
The performers in "JCM Exposed: Morton Schiff Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Combo" engaged with the history of the music genre by performing pieces from the jazz and big band repertoires, as well as original compositions. They further discussed the evolution of jazz music and its influence on American culture, and the contributions of influential jazz musicians and composers. Additionally, the performers presented educational materials about jazz, such as information about key figures, instruments, and jazz styles.
The occasion was an exciting event that combined the best of jazz music with a unique educational experience. This event featured two of the top jazz ensembles in the country, the Morton Schiff Jazz Ensemble and the Jazz Combo. Thus, the two presented a program of both classic and contemporary jazz compositions. The Morton Schiff Jazz Ensemble is a critically acclaimed jazz ensemble performed throughout the United States and Europe. The ensemble is known for its unique sound, which combines traditional jazz elements with a modern sensibility.
The program for this event was an eclectic mix of classic and contemporary jazz compositions. The model featured original compositions from both ensembles and classic jazz standards. The performance also features solo and ensemble improvisations, as well as a few special guest appearances from some of the top jazz musicians in the country. The event's most memorable moment was when the audience was invited to dance to the music. The floor was filled with individuals of all ages, and the energy in the room was palpable. This memorable period was made even more special because it was the first time the Jazz Ensemble and Combo had ever performed together. The evening was a celebration of jazz music and the talent of the musicians involved. It was an unforgettable experience and one that will stay with people for many years to come.[Gioia, Ted. The history of jazz. Ox...
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