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Visual Analysis of Jacopo Tintoretto's Jesus Washing His Disciples' Feet

Essay Instructions:

Writing about Paintings or Sculptures Assignment 2

Length: 2 pages double-spaced or 500 words

 For this assignment, you analyze in person a work of art exhibited nearby and compare it to one of the objects discussed in the course materials (that is, assigned materials, lectures, and

tutorials) from weeks 5-12.

 Select!!!!£ of the following from nearby institutions 

  • Surasundari (celestial maiden), IO'h cent., ROM (South Asian Gallery)
  • Icon of Christ blessing three military saints (steatite stone), ROM (Byzantium collection) o    Uhunmwun-elao (Commemorative head), Benin, ROM (Gallery of Africa, the Americas,

and Asia Pacific)

  • Sage in a Courtyard, from the Kulliat of Sa'di (Aga Khan Museum) o    Jacopo Tintoreno, Christ Washing his Disciples· Feet (AGO)
  • Willi Baumeister, Paint er with Points (AGO) o   Femand Leger, Kneeling Woman (AGO)
    • Moridja Kitenge Banza, Christ Pantokrator No. 13 (AGO)
    • Kent Monkman, Study for Comefrom pakwan kisic, the hole in the sky, 2022 (ROM, in exhibition = Kent Monkman: Being Legendary)

If you wonder if you have selected the wrong object (i.e.,one that isn't the one on the list), confirm with your TA before you really start working!

First, spend time with your object, in person. Take a selfie with it. Take photos of the work and notes while you're there to help you when you're writing. Analyze the basic features of your object, including its size, form, materials, colours, textures, style, and imagery.Then compare it to a work from the course materials and consider their similarities and differences. Most of the pieces listed above should be compared to something of roughly similar date and place of origin. The last two works (by Banza and Monkman) could be paired with things from much earlier periods.

Most of the knowledge you need for this paper comes from the course materials, lectures,and tutorials-particularly weeks 5-12. You may need to consult reference works to pin down basic facts (such as, what's the story about the disciples'  feet? What's steatite?) or biographical  details about earlier artists. For artists, see The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists ,edited by Ian Chilvers, online through UTL. Museum labels also supply helpful information. Take careful notes about any sources you use so that you can add footnotes to them and also include them in your bibliography.

As with the first assignment, you don't have to have or prove a thesis, but you should organize your essay so that ideas and observations have a clear and logical flow. This time, don't write in the first or second person (that is, don't use I/me, we/us, or "you"). Also, please read the comments on your first paper and take our recommendations into account for this assignment.

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December 06, 2022
Visual Analysis - Jacopo Tintoretto's Jesus Washing his Disciples' Feet
Jacopo Tintoretto's painting, "Jesus washing his disciples' feet," shows how Jesus lived humbly on earth despite being the one who was chosen to save the world from sin. The painting was created between the years 1545 and 1555, a time when the influence of other well-known works of art that used the same materials as this one was very common. Renaissance art is what they call this kind of painting. Most of the art that is created in this era is a depiction of humans and God iterating with each other.
Sanctity and Spirituality
The topic of sanctity and spirituality, which is prevalent in Renaissance paintings, is incredibly distinctive to the painting "Jesus Washing his Disciples' Feet." As you can see in the picture, the shades and shadows are extremely saturated, emphasizing the brilliant colors more and obscuring some of the earth tones. Depending on how high or low it is, a painting's shade can reflect the mood of the work; this is how artists control the emotions they wish to evoke in their audience.[Goorevich, Emily. “7 Elements of Art (+How to Use Them) - G2.” Accessed December 7, 2022. /articles/elements-of-art.]
The painting's focal points are hazy because there is a small tale to be told everywhere the eyes land, but when we identify the main character on the right side of the painting, we can understand the full significance of the artwork. Sometimes lines in paintings are pronounced, particularly in abstract art, when the mix of various colors and shapes creates a picture of someone or something that gives the painting a two-dimensional appearance. However, when using oil paint, things are different since any lines that have been used as guidelines will be covered by the oil paint, making the painting look like a three-dimensional work of art that can evoke a lot more dramatic feeling in the audience who are seeing the art.[Farr, Kristin. 2018. Review of Analyzing the Elements of Art: Four Ways to Think about Value. NYTimes.com. NYTimes.com. January 3, 2018. /2018/01/03/learning/lesson-plans/analyzing-the-elements-of-art-four-ways-to-think-about-value.html.]

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