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1 pages/≈275 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.6

Final paper concept. Comparing and Contrasting the Work of two Indigenous Artists

Essay Instructions:

Your Final Paper Concept should be 1 page, double-spaced. Please include:

A working title

The prompt you chose (copy & paste the prompt at the beginning of your concept paper)

A summary of your central question(s), and potential arguments.

At least two scholarly references you intend to use for your research paper.

1-2 sentences addressing your methodological approach. How will you attempt to challenge the legacies of colonial research?

When you submit your concept, you will be prompted to peer review your colleagues' concepts. Please respond to their concepts with questions and comments that may help them move their research forward (2-4 sentences per concept). Make sure to highlight one element of their concept that you think is strong, and include on point of constructive criticism. You will also receive feedback from your colleagues. In addition, your TA or I will provide you with feedback.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Comparing and Contrasting the Work of two Indigenous Artists
Prompt B: Choose one Indigenous artist/activist/collective. How has this person/collective used visual media in response to issues related to land and/or sovereignty? Use specific pieces and/or
actions as case studies. Consider the course readings related to land and sovereignty when addressing these elements in your paper. For instance, how does this artist/activist/collective approach conceptions of land or sovereignty? Are they attempting to challenge dominant notions of land and/or sovereignty? Or perhaps they are encouraging a different approach to relationships with land?
Nicholas Gallanin is an indigenous artist from a borough of Juneau, the capital of Alaska. His way of making art involves historical or traditional elements of his culture in a contemporary-looking aesthetics. Another indigenous artist is Duane Slick who doubles as a Native American painter and storyteller of the Meswaki nation.
It is possible to argue that the two artists provide different contexts about the life and culture of indigenous people. It is essential to ask how their visual work of arts to communicate and respond to various issues that affect people in their community. Thus, how are the issues different or simila...
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