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Corelli's Composition and How He Influenced the Work of Other Composers

Essay Instructions:

Instructions will be posted below, also Examples and writing tips are attached. Let me know if there is any information needed.
Composing with Corelli
As we learned from Seletsky's article, the music of Corelli inspired variation sets of subsequent composers; of particular note is the F major Gavotta from Sonata no. 10. Three variation sets—by Blavet, Tartini, and Woldemar—provide three different approaches to the original piece. Choose two variations from each set and discuss the following questions:
Within each variation, is there a particular melodic or rhythmic technique that creates unity?
Within each piece, how are the variations similar to or different from each other in terms of their treatment of the melody and their demands on the performer?
Across all three pieces, what conclusions can we draw about how these composers paid homage to the Corelli dance?
[More topics coming soon]
Below are some general guidelines for success:
You must have a thesis statement: What are you trying to say or prove?
Use the course readings as your primary guide; you do not need to find additional sources.
Include musical examples where appropriate.
References should be parenthetical, in this fashion: In an online post, Gage writes that the essay should be 750-1,000 words in length (2020). [or "Gage (2020) writes..."] [or, if no mention of the author, "(Gage 2020)" at end of sentence]
Please note (VERY IMPORTANT): Thesis must state clearly in the first paragraph, use more than 2 music examples (pictures). Failure of these performances will cause a C or lower grade.
So this paper is still talking about backgrounds, the main content should be answering these three questions:
1. Within each variation, is there a particular melodic or rhythmic technique that creates unity?
2. Within each piece, how are the variations similar to or different from each other in terms of their treatment of the melody and their demands on the performer?
3. Across all three pieces, what conclusions can we draw about how these composers paid homage to the Corelli dance?
And just don’t make it like a Q&A form, also use specific measures instead of whole page to provide evidences.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Corelli's Composition and How He Influenced the Work of Other Composers
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Composing with Corelli
This paper is about Corelli and how he influenced the work of other composers. Some of the composers include Tartini and Blavet. The two are known due to their different styles of composition. Corelli was a composer in Italy and an experienced violinist whose instrumental works brought about the chamber music style and form in the late baroque era. Corelli's music was published in six opra, and each opus had twelve compositions. The one who was to perform this sonata was expected to improvise elaborate virtuoso ornaments. These composers had adopted different variations. Corelli’s Sonata no.10 inspired the most significant number of extant variations. The lengthiest set of these variations for Corelli's F major gavotte were by Tartini.[Rothstein, W. (2006). Transformations of Cadential Formulae in the Music of Corelli and his Successors. na.]
Tartini was a composer and also a music theorist in Italy. He is credited for having discovered the sum and different tones in music. This set by Tartini is an exit in versions from different periods. This is since it is orally transmitted, which acts as a function of the teacher-pupil relationship. In the Tartini set, the gavotte variations are removed from the context of their surroundings a...
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