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From Corelli to Tartini and Blavet

Essay Instructions:

Instructions will be posted below, also Examples and writing tips are attached. Let me know if there is any information needed.

Composing with Corelli

As we learned from Seletsky's article, the music of Corelli inspired variation sets of subsequent composers; of particular note is the F major Gavotta from Sonata no. 10. Three variation sets—by Blavet, Tartini, and Woldemar—provide three different approaches to the original piece. Choose two variations from each set and discuss the following questions:

Within each variation, is there a particular melodic or rhythmic technique that creates unity?

Within each piece, how are the variations similar to or different from each other in terms of their treatment of the melody and their demands on the performer?

Across all three pieces, what conclusions can we draw about how these composers paid homage to the Corelli dance?

[More topics coming soon]

Below are some general guidelines for success:

You must have a thesis statement: What are you trying to say or prove?

Use the course readings as your primary guide; you do not need to find additional sources.

Include musical examples where appropriate.

References should be parenthetical, in this fashion: In an online post, Gage writes that the essay should be 750-1,000 words in length (2020). [or "Gage (2020) writes..."] [or, if no mention of the author, "(Gage 2020)" at end of sentence]
Please note (VERY IMPORTANT): Thesis must state clearly in the first paragraph, use more than 2 music examples (pictures). Failure of these performances will cause a C or lower grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

From Corelli to Tartini and Woldermar
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EDFS 309: Scholarly Personal Narrative Writing
Dr. Robert Nash & Sydnee Viray
Date Here
From Corelli to Tartini and Woldermar Born in Italy, Corelli became famous in the early 1700s through his musical work as a composer and violinist. He influenced a modern style of violin playing as he performed in the 12 Concerti Grossi, which was an effective medium of composition. Initially, Corelli studied music through a priest in Faenza and eventually moved to Bologna. Corelli’s work inspired many composers, with the most significant being Woldemar, Blavet, and Tartini. The three composers are globally recognized due to their different composition styles. Although Tartini is known to have borrowed his composition style from Corelli, he achieved success by adding several tones to his music while producing his own variation of Corelli’s music. On the other hand, Woldermar, unlike Corelli and Tartini, who were Italians, was a German music teacher and composer but still achieved success by developing variations of Corelli’s music (Seletsky 1996). Corelli was a world-famous violinist who influenced the sonata by mentoring different composers from different generations, such as Tartini and Woldermar. Such individuals made music that was both similar and different from their mentor. Tartini’s music comprises mainly violin sonatas and violin concerti. His compositions became famous and were loved by the pope. One specific composition is the Miserere, which was composed in the 1740s after Pope Clement XII made a request. Another famous composition was the Stabat Mater which Tartini composed in 1769. Additionally, he composed the trio sonatas, which is considered a variation of Corelli’s music. One of Tartini’s variations comes in the form of an old-style division of semiquavers, and one can note Corelli’s signature bass printed under the piece. Other variations do not have the bass but can still be heard as having a particular tune similar to that of Corelli (Seletsky 1996). Some of Tartini’s compositions are also more which makes the style gallant.     The lengthiest variations of Corelli’s F major gavotte were composed by Tartini. The set is an exit in versions from different periods. Since it is orally transmitted, it acts as a functional piece helpful in promoting the relationship between a teacher and their student. In wo...
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