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Fashion Film Response :The True Cost - A Documentary by Andrew Morgan

Essay Instructions:

Intro to Fashion Studies – Fashion Film Response

The final assignment asks you to choose one film (either Dior and I or The True Cost) and analyze it with reference to the ideas and topics we’ve talked about this term. Focus your writing on only one film, not both.

Once you’ve chosen which film to focus on, you will analyze it with reference to our course topics and readings. You must explicitly refer to and cite specific course texts, which vary based on the film you choose to analyze and the type of argument you want to make. At least one text must come from the list below, and the others should come from the course syllabus (you can use additional sources beyond the syllabus but outside research is optional).

Required Readings (Choose one from this list)

Yuniya Kawamura – “Designers: The Personification of Fashion” (Week 13)

Cathy Horyn – “Raf Simons Speaks to Cathy Horyn on the Speed of Fashion” (Week 13)

Vanessa Friedman – “This Earth Day, Green is the New Denim” (Week 14)

Paolo Borges – “Brands Should Consider a Season-Less Show Model” (Week 14)

You can also cite the optional readings for Weeks 13/14 (Rees-Roberts, Friedman, Fletcher)

In your fashion film response of 600-700 words, discuss how your film communicates some larger social or cultural idea about the fashion industry and include analysis and evidence to demonstrate how your film communicates this. What does your film tell us about fashion as an industry and how does it accomplish this? What does it say? How does it say it? Summarize your argument about your film in a clear, one-sentence thesis statement.

The primary goal for this assignment is for you to demonstrate that you can connect the film to ideas from the course and that you can use those ideas to clearly and thoughtfully analyze your example.

You will be graded on how well you meet the requirements listed above and the following criteria:

A clear description and contextualization of your fashion film

A clear, one-sentence thesis statement that summarizes your argument about your film

A clear, thoughtful analysis of your film, connected to course topics and informed by analysis of course readings

Generous, explicit, and thoughtful connection to the sources of your research through citations

An introduction, conclusion, and bibliography formatted according to Chicago style

Clear writing and evidence of editing and proofreading

Extra Credit: If you visit the University Learning Center to work on this paper and email your instructors your appointment confirmation, 10 extra credit points will be added to your assignment grade.

Intro to Fashion Studies – Fashion Film Response – Grading Rubric

Meeting Requirements (/20 points possible)

Referencing at least one reading from the required list of readings

Referencing at least two other relevant readings from the course syllabus, and outside research as applicable

Meeting word limit expectations (at least 600 words not including bibliography)

Including a bibliography formatted according to Chicago style

Quality of Writing (/60 points possible)

Writing that includes a clear, one-sentence thesis statement summarizing your argument

Writing that includes a clear introduction, supporting body paragraphs, and conclusion

Writing that clearly, thoughtfully, and fully explains what idea your fashion film communicates

Writing that explains how your fashion film communicates that idea using specific examples and analysis

Connections to Course Ideas (/60 points possible)

Explicit and clear connection to course readings and ideas from class, including the use of course terminology and concepts

Explicit and clear connection to your film and paper topic expressed using thoughtfully chosen, properly contextualized quotes and paraphrased information

Clarity of Writing (/10 points possible)

Evidence of proofreading and attention paid to typographical errors

Evidence of editing and attention paid to technical aspects of writing

Correct formatting of quotations, citations, and images according to Chicago Style

Final Grade:

/150 points possible

Name: ___________________________________

Introduction to Fashion Studies – Fashion Film Response Worksheet

This is the film I choose to analyze (choose only one):

Dior and I

The True Cost

I don’t want to lose points, so here is the required course text I will use to analyze it (choose one, possibly two):

Yuniya Kawamura – “Designers: The Personification of Fashion” (Week 13)

Cathy Horyn – “Raf Simons Speaks to Cathy Horyn on the Speed of Fashion” (Week 13)

Vanessa Friedman – “This Earth Day, Green is the New Denim” (Week 14)

Paolo Borges – “Brands Should Consider a Season-Less Show Model” (Week 14)

One of the optional readings for Weeks 13/14 (Rees-Roberts, Friedman, Fletcher)

I also need to connect my fashion film to course topics, so I will talk about my film in relation to these other ideas/themes/topics from the course (choose one or two):

Identity Formation (Subject Positions/Intersectionality) (Weeks 2/3)

The Body/Everyday Life (Week 4)

Society (Class/Race/Gender) (Weeks 5/6)

Uniformity and Nonconformity (Week 7)

Music and Subculture (Week 8)

Celebrity Culture (Week 9)

Fashion and Media (Week 10)

Fashion and Display (Week 11)

Time and Cultural Memory (Week 12)

Based on the ideas/themes/topics I indicated above, I can also use these texts to analyze my fashion film (found in my course syllabus):




What does my fashion film communicate about the ideas/themes/topics I have chosen? How will I demonstrate this in my paper – what evidence will I use (list specific examples)?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professor’s Name
The True Cost
The Tue Cost is a fashion documentary film by Andrew Morgan that was released in 2015. The film explores the negative effects of the fashion industries. Its title, “The Tue Cost”, is reflective of the actual cost that is paid for the beautiful clothes that people wear. It signifies the real cost of the manufacturing of clothes. The normal cost of clothes as is seen in by most people is the price indicated on the price tag at the boutique. The film outlines another cost unknown to most people. The lives of the low-wage workers in developing countries who play the primary part for production in the fashion industry. It analyzes the negative effects that the fashion industry has on the environment. Pollution of rivers and soil and diseases that come from the various production factors.[Morgan, Andrew. The true cost. Education21, 2017.] [Kawamura, Yuniya. Fashion-ology: an introduction to fashion studies. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018.]
The film also outlines the issue of consumerism of fashion. A conclusion is drawn where it is argued that clothing creates a first impression of who a person is whereby the type of clothing that a person puts on is a part of what the person wishes to communicate about themselves. Yuniya Kawamura, in “Designers: The Personification of Fashion”, argues that people want to wear clothes that make them feel unique and special. The arguments of Yuniya are visible in the argument of consumerism brought about by this film. The behaviors of consumerism are based on the satisfaction of their wants and needs. Consumers want clothes that give a good impression of who they are. Personalization of fashion is a major contributor to consumerism in the fashion industry. It gives people a chance to wear clothes that help them communicate themselves in ways they prefer.[Cho, Hee Kyoung. "A CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE ON STRENGTHENING LEGAL PROTECTION OF FASHION DESIGNS." Northeast Asian Law Review 11 (2017): 95-113.]
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