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Zhang XiaoGang and the Employment of Symbolism in His Paintings

Essay Instructions:

Artist: Zhang XiaoGang

Theme: Symbolism, generation, or surrealism(choose one or two according to the instruction)

Assignment: I would like you to write a paper that will somehow make a contribution to the field of art since 1980. In our class lectures and discussions, we have discussed the work of individual artists in relation to larger themes (e.g., Levine and authorship, Sall and appropriation, Mike Kelly and money, etc.). While I am open to topics, my suggestion is that you think about writing a research paper that covers a specific artist, dealer, or collector and addresses one theme related to her/his career. When choosing your topic, ask yourself: Are there certain themes that have not been applied to a specific artist, dealer, or collector in an in-depth manner? While you may approach the assignment in a variety of ways, your topics should cover the career of at least one artist, collector, and dealer and address at least one thematic idea. You should be able to historicize your thematic ideas and draw upon primary source material at some point in your paper. You should also be able to cover your chosen topic in a complete manner in approximately 6-10 pages.

A helpful hint about themes

Your theme should not be an art-historical movement. For example, don’t pair Andy Warhol with the “theme” of Pop art. The reason is that we already know Warhol is a Pop artist. You will not have any point to argue. Find a theme that may not be so obvious and that might help you draw out a nuance in an artist’s work that might not readily be apparent. Here are topics that might work better: Warhol and Marxism, Warhol and Death, Warhol and the (homosexual) closet, etc.

Notes and bibliography: You must use proper footnotes or endnotes, following the Chicago Manual of Style. On a separate sheet of paper, you must also write a bibliography, listing all your sources that you have read or consulted. Please note random websites are not the best source of information; you should always rely on sources that have established academic value (e.g., no Wikipedia). Failure to cite or name your sources is plagiarism and will result in a failing grade.  

Grade: This assignment is worth 30% of your overall grade, unless the syllabus changes during the course of the semester. The assignment is broken down into parts, each of which has its own due date and grade:

Part 1:             Proposal                                                                    

Submit TWO different ideas. For both topics, you must include (1) artist, collector, or dealer, as well as (2) a potential theme. Explain each proposed idea in a couple sentences. You have to choose artist whom you can research.

Part 2:             Annotated bibliography                                           

Submit a list of books and articles with one or two sentences summarizing the topic(s) covered. You must evaluate each source that you have consulted. Evaluating a source means that you are examining and assessing its relevance and importance in the larger scope of the literature on your chosen subject. You need to be critical. You must also follow the Chicago Manual of Style.

Part 3:             Outline, Thesis, and Introductory paragraph           

            Submit a preliminary thesis and introductory paragraph along with an outline.

Part 4:             Presentations                                                 

Present your paper to the class in a ten-minute presentation. You must include visuals. I will give more explicit instructions regarding your presentation later.

Part 5:             Final paper                                                                

Here’s a helpful checklist for your final paper

_____  Do you have a clear thesis that allows you to argue a point? Does each of your paragraphs contribute to your specific topic and allow you to advance your stated thesis.

_____ Have you researched your artist(s), theme(s), and method(s) in a complete manner?  Did you use primary source material when available? Do you take time to compare your sources? Do you explain succinctly their relevance to your project? No long-winded summaries please.

_____ Do you somehow agree or disagree with each of your sources? Do you differentiate your voice from your sources that you discuss in your paper?

_____ Do you have a note for every time you take words or information from a source? Do you have a bibliography? Do you follow the Chicago Manual of Style for both notes and bibliography?

_____  Do you have image(s) and caption(s) for the chosen work(s) of art?

_____  Is your paper typed and double space with one-inch margins on all sides? Is your paper stapled?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Zhang XiaoGang and Symbolism
Zhang Xiaogang was born in 1958 in Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province in southern China. He is a renowned artist of the contemporary art of China, and he is also considered as one of the most authoritative painters. His Surrealist-inspired, stylized portraits executed in smoothly rendered oil paint maintain a formal and stiffly posed aesthetic, focusing on the aftereffects of the cultural revolution and the meaning of family, history, and memory in China today. Throughout his career, Xiaogang has succeeded in exploring different social, philosophical and subjects, which has made it possible for him to develop a distinctive style and sobriety in his artwork. Xiaogang employed his own life experiences and those of his close friends as well as his emotional turmoil to turn his thoughts into surreal and symbolic paintings. This paper examines and explains Zhang Xiaogang use of symbolism in his artwork.
Symbolism may be defined as a technique used by painters and artists to apply hidden meaning or to convey specific ideas through artwork. Usually, there are many forms through which meaning can be developed virtually. Ordinarily, painters use symbols to express and communicate the invisible or the intangible through physical representation. The symbols used in the art may help in representing ideas. Additionally, the positioning of work, the color used as well as lines also help in conveying a specific message. Simplistic painters believe that instead of representing the natural world, art should represent an idea or reflect a particular emotion. It is, however, important to understand that not all paints and artworks that contain a hidden meaning.[Andrea Caresse MacBean, 2013. "Art and Symbolism." 1-36.]
It is important to note that Xiaogang was significantly inspired by his family photos from the Cultural Revolution period and also by the European tradition of surrealism. His works mainly engage with the notion of identity within the Chinese culture of collectivism. Xiaogang based his paintings around the concept of family, immediate, extended and societal. Most of his portraits represented an endless pedigree of imagined forebears which presented a series of individual histories illustrated within strict confines of formula. Xiaogang's paintings also provided undeniable physical features of his extended family which are also common among the people of the Chinese ancestry such as long noses and tiny hands and are present across all his works.
Most of Xiaogang's paintings have a deeper meaning that is directly related to Chinese culture and traditions. For example, the External Love which he painted in 1988 the same year that he married his wife, Tang Lei.
In this art, Xiaogang reflects on various issues such as the conflicting emotions of love, uneasiness, and hope which are communicated, demonstrated and expressed in a way that resonates to the artistic freedoms enjoyed by artists in China and other parts of the world. This artwork depicts Xiaogang's life and his thoughts about the meaning of life, and he also represents the emotions of his partnership with the wife.
Additionally, despite keeping the open realism regarding the realities of life, this work also portrays an arid surrounding where there is little protection for his newly established family. There is also an exposed burial site and animals in the background. The faces of the people also portray uncertainty. Through this work, Xiaogang appears to be disclosing sociological issues which give rise to idealism as well as utopia. It is keynoting that these issues are depicted firmly and deeply in a restrained existence which is expounded by the understanding of mortality. This artwork paints the reality of the artist's life in a disengaged and melancholic way. The people in this art are represented in a manner that they are staring at the viewers or audience in a lost and nostalgic style; this indicates uncertainty, concern, and anxiety.[Salazar Quas, 2017. "Experimentation in Contemporary art in China: Xu Bing and Zhang Xiaogang." November 10. Accessed March 19, 2019.]
Xiaogang painted this work before the protests of 1989 which resulted in shutdown in Beijing. We can also conclude that through this art, he aimed at portraying the levels of uncertainty among the Chinese people following the pro-democracy protests which had been organized in Tiananmen Square for weeks. The protests had spread to other parts of the country such as Shanghai and military ...
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