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Trade-offs Between OODBMSs and RDBMSs

Essay Instructions:

***NOTE-There is already a written paper on this site for the exact topic and questions. PLEASE write an original one to this topic, NO Plagiarism please!!!****. After reading and analyzing the following cases and articles in relation to the below readings, write a 2 or more FULL page paper on the following topic: (PLEASE Not 1 and one half pages, 2 FULL pages please or more, please write a little more if you can). Topic - **Please compose a 2 page paper in which you answer & discuss in depth the following topic questions based on the below readings/cases:;;;_______"Discuss the tradeoffs between Relational and Object-Oriented Database management systems". Don't bother explaining what relational and object-oriented database management systems are, just FOCUS on the specific tradeoffs only. THEN Take, state & explain a Definite stand on the issues, and clearly develop your supporting argument carefully. Next, Using material from the background information below and any other sources you can find to support specific points in your argument is highly recommended; try to avoid making assertions for which you can find no support other than your own opinion. Your paper is to be structured as a point/counterpoint argument, in the following manner...... Begin this paper by stating your position on this question clearly and concisely!!! Cite appropriate sources, present the reasons why you take this position. Be sure to make the most effective case you can.

Then present the best evidence you can, again citing appropriate sources, against your position -- that is, establish what counterarguments can be made to your original position.

Finally, review your original position in light of the counterarguments, showing how they are inadequate to rebut your original statement. By the end of your paper, you should be able to unequivocally re-affirm your original position."""***________ **Background notes: In the world of databases and database management, it is extremely important to know the strength and limits of database management systems. Organizational investments in databases of even modest scope can easily go up to seven figures, it is crucial to understand information provided by product or service vendors to make informed decisions. This module will help us gain valuable skills to be able to review and evaluate documents provided by vendors.

Robin Bloor is the author of a White Paper entitled The Failure of Relational Database, The Rise of Object Technology, and the Need for the Hybrid Database: A Revolutionary Paradigm. Since this paper is associated with Intersystems Corp., the firm that sponsors the Cache DBMS, it is clearly commercially oriented. However, the paper has demonstrated a serious attempt to discuss issues about databases and the relationship between object and relational databases.

For this Case Assignment, you are required to review and evaluate Bloor's paper based on what you have learned or can find out about the issues underlying it. To begin with, we recommend the following comparison:


***You MUST use and cite the following references in proper APA format; 

#1.)_ Bernstein, P., & Haas, L. (2008). Information integration in the enterprise. Communications of the ACM, 51 (9), 72-79.

#2.)_ Hvizdos, B.C., Cochrane, R., Hvizdos, M., Josifovski, J., Kleewein, J., Lapis, G., ...,& Zhangm G. (2006). DB2 goes hybrid: integrating native XML and XQuery with relational data and SQL, IBM Systems Journal, 45(2), 271-298.

#3.)_ Robin Bloor is the author of a White Paper entitled The Failure of Relational Database, The Rise of Object Technology, and the Need for the Hybrid Database: A Revolutionary Paradigm. 

#4.)_ Henschen, D. (2012). Big data, big questions, Sears is embracing Hadoop to get a grip on its big data. Can emerging tech fit in a legacy infrastructure and help Sears compete? Informationweek.http://consultnpp(dot)com/informationweek-november-5-2012_2124203.pdf

#5.)_ Lungu, I., Velicanu, M., & Botha, I. (2009). Database systems—present and future. Informatica Economica. 13(1), 84-99. [EBSCO, Trident Online Library]

#6.)_ Park, J., & Lee, S. (2011). Keyword search in relational databases, Knowledge and Information Systems. 26(2),175-193. (Trident Online Library)

#7.)_ Ambler, S. (2008). When IT gets cultural: Data management and agile development. IT Professional Magazine 10(6),11-14. (Trident Online Library)

#8.)_InterSystems (2005) Cache technology guide, Chapter 1: Data modeling: relational or object Access. http://www(dot)intersystems(dot)com/cache/technology/techguide/cache_tech-guide_01.html

In addition, the optional readings expand on many of the central points; you may also want to do some independent research of your own to clarify any issues that concern you.

And PLEASE cite accordingly.

Please write an A+ paper at a Masters/PHD degree level, Thank you!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Trade-offs between OODBMSs and RDBMSs
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Trade-offs between OODBMSs and RDBMSs
Today, most institutions use relational database management systems (RDBMS) to store data. The systems of such institutions use a programming language that is object oriented. This leads to ineffectiveness in the database generally (Islam & Chanchary, 2012). The continuous interconversion of the stored information renders relational database management system less satisfying. But due to some factors, many institutions continue to use the RDBMS to store data (Bernstein & Haas, 2008). This is despite the fact that Object oriented database management systems are more efficient. From a point of view, OODBMSs are far much better than the RDBMSs. The current paper seeks to find out the trade-offs that exist between OODBMSs and RDBMSs.
To start with, due to data complexity, developers believe that modeling data with objects is a more effective approach (Henschen, 2012). This is as opposed to relational tables. In OODBMSs, the data complexity is contained within the object though the data is accessed by a simple consistent interface (InterSystems, 2005). This basically creates some security for the stored data. On the other hand, relational technology provides a simple consistent interface that does not interfere with the data complexity. Therefore the data is scattered among multiple tables (Park & Lee, 2011). This single difference renders OODBMS more reliable than the RDBMS. In addition to that, during insertion and updating of database, the object data access is best. This enhances faster and perfect translation process (Nambiar, Chitor, & Joshi, 2014).
The benefits of OODBMS are much more than those of DDBMS. For instance, the OODBMS supports a rich data structure and is simpler. This means it is easier to monitor whatever you are doing or manipulating (Henschen, 2012). Also OODBMS does not involve the primary keys. Instead the data is uniquely identified through OIDs which the programmer does not see. This gives freedom on the values to be stored in an object. This freedom is absent in RDBMSs (Lungu, Velicanu, & Botha, 2009).
Inheritance concept is a contribution of OODBMS. This allows hierarchical arrangement of the classes. This fits well in the real world since Object oriented languages is more versatile in most programming areas (Ambler, 2008). Thus the OODBMS has brought the programming language very close to the natural language. Objects technology dominates the application t...
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