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Database Systems

Essay Instructions:

***NOTE- PLEASE write an original paper to this topic, NO Plagiarism please!!!****. After reading and analyzing the following cases and articles in relation to the below readings, write a 2 or more FULL page paper on the following topic: (PLEASE Not 1 and one half pages, 2 FULL pages please or more, please write a little more if you can). Topic - ***;;;_______For those who have years of experience with database, you are required to discuss a database system used in a company or an organization (For me organization is the Military, Navy). Your paper MUST answer and discuss the following questions/topics in relation to your work organization (Military):

-Why it is necessary to use database system?

-What kinds of information this database system collect? and what information it provides?

-Which database management system is used? Access? Oracle? DB2 ...? -Why or why not it is a good choice?

-At least 2 other topics you would like to discuss related to this database system?

Your paper should reflect your personal experiences with this issue. The important part of all these project assignments is to carefully assess your own experiences with the topic, and then reflect critically on what you might have learned about yourself and about situations through this assessment process.

The more that you can use the exercise to develop personal implications for your growth as a potential business person as well as a moral individual, the more value you'll get out of the exercise.***________

***Background Notes: The purpose of the paper is to give you the opportunity to explore the applicability of the Module to your own life, work, and place in space and time, and to experiment with the Module to see how the otherwise academically rigorous presentation of a topic may, with more or less work and/or trauma, become "up close and personal". This is done in a number of different ways -- sometimes cumulative papers, sometimes practical hands-on experimentation with a tool of some sort, sometimes reflections on a place of work or life. The common thread is personal application, aimed at demonstrating a cumulative knowledge and understanding of the course's material.

In this paper involve your experimenting with database software of various forms -- some downloads (if possible - see below), some online demos. In each assignment will consist of filling out a report on your "adventures in software", summarizing what you looked at and offering to the degree possible some critical evaluation of it; you'll also be invited to reflect on your cumulative software experiences.

***You MUST use and cite the following references in proper APA format; 

#1.)_ Bernstein, P., & Haas, L. (2008). Information integration in the enterprise. Communications of the ACM, 51 (9), 72-79.

#2.)_ Hvizdos, B.C., Cochrane, R., Hvizdos, M., Josifovski, J., Kleewein, J., Lapis, G., ...,& Zhangm G. (2006). DB2 goes hybrid: integrating native XML and XQuery with relational data and SQL, IBM Systems Journal, 45(2), 271-298.

#3.)_ Robin Bloor is the author of a White Paper entitled The Failure of Relational Database, The Rise of Object Technology, and the Need for the Hybrid Database: A Revolutionary Paradigm. 

#4.)_ Henschen, D. (2012). Big data, big questions, Sears is embracing Hadoop to get a grip on its big data. Can emerging tech fit in a legacy infrastructure and help Sears compete? Informationweek.http://consultnpp(dot)com/informationweek-november-5-2012_2124203.pdf

#5.) Add 2 other scholarly references of your choice. 

In addition, the optional readings expand on many of the central points; you may also want to do some independent research of your own to clarify any issues that concern you.

And PLEASE cite accordingly.

Please write an A+ paper at a Masters/PHD degree level, Thank you!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A collection of information organized in a manner that a computer system can access, manage and update is a database. A database system is an integrated collection of databases that aims to achieve a highly organized collection of data along with appropriate tools and applications that facilitate processing and access to that data (Choo, 2002). The Navy, for instance, uses the Navy Personnel Database to store and keep records of all the data of the Navy members. It contains current and historical data about Navy members and annuitants including officers, candidates, enlisted active and inactive, as well as who have retired. NPDB also has information on activities carried out, current and disestablished.
Database systems provide managers with the relevant information to make efficient decisions on how to run the institutions (Rob, 2008). Institutions such as the Navy have large amounts of data that require organization in order to generate reports. Database systems provide this institution with a central repository of information that can be located or used to generate reports. It is necessary for the Navy to use database systems for several reasons. First, database systems can be used for safekeeping. Records on the number of personnel employed by the Navy are considered private therefore a database system is used to ensure that unauthorized persons do not access these records.
The database systems used in the Navy collect information on biographical data, events, and weapons management. Biographical data refers to the information recorded on all the Navy members. This information is considered as ‘at risk" data there database systems aim at safeguarding this information. Biographical data includes members who have served in the Navy, their ranks, enrollment, payroll, personal background and the retired members. They also collect information relating to the weapons, which includes the purchase of new weapons, reimbursement, maintenance and inventory. The activities carried out in the Navy are also stored in the database systems. The database systems link all the...
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