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The most Efficient Process of Gathering Forensic Evidence

Essay Instructions:
As case 4 of this class, we will examine the concept of digital forensics and the main steps followed in the procedures for evidence gathering. The Background Info provides a list of the required and optional readings. When you've read through the articles and did some research on other related material, please compose a short (3-5 pages without counting the cover and references) paper on the topic: "The most efficient process of gathering forensic evidence" In preparing your paper, please make sure you answer these questions: - What is Computer Forensics? - What steps would you recommend to follow to gather forensic evidence? - Why your recommendation would be the most efficient? - What laws govern seizure of evidence (just cite them) Case assignment expectations: Your assignment will be graded following these expectations: - Precision: the main questions asked are answered. - Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic. - Breadth and depth: The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module. - Critical thinking: It is important to read the “required readings” posted in the background material plus others you find relevant. Your paper should include important concepts from these readings and incorporate YOUR reactions and examples that illustrate your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts. - Your paper is well written and the references are properly cited and listed (refer to TUI guidelines http://www(dot)trident(dot)edu/Media/Default/pdf/Well-Written-Paper.pdf ) - Your paper meets the page requirements not counting the cover page or the references pages. When your paper is done, send it in to CourseNet.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
University Name: Student`s Name: The most Efficient Process of Gathering Forensic Evidence Course Number: Course Name Professor`s Name: Date: Abstract Digital forensics refers to an arm of forensic science that is concerned with application of analysis and investigation techniques to collect and safeguard evidence from a unique computing gadget in a manner that is appropriate for presentation in a law court. The main aim of computer forensics is to carry out an organized investigation while keeping a documented chain of evidence to ascertain precisely what took place on a computing gadget and who was in charge of it. The aim of this paper is to establish the most efficient process of gathering forensic evidence. Key Words: Computer forensics, Process, Efficiency The most Efficient Process of Gathering Forensic Evidence Digital forensics is an arm of forensic science that is concerned with the utilization of analysis and investigation techniques to collect and preserve evidence from a special computing gadget in a manner that is appropriate for presentation in a law court. The purpose of computer forensics is to carry out an organized investigation while keeping a documented chain of evidence to ascertain precisely what took place on a computing gadget and who was in charge of it (Newman, 2007). Forensic investigators normally abide by a standard set of processes. Following the actual isolation of the gadget at issue to ensure it cannot be unexpectedly contaminated, detectives create a digital copy of the gadget`s storage media. As soon as the copy of the master copy has been made, it is shut away in a protected or other secure facility to keep its original condition. All probes are conducted on the digital copy (Newman, 2007). Detectives use various technics and proprietary forensic programs to analyze the copy, exploring hidden directories and unallocated disk space for copies of encrypted, damaged and deleted files. Whatever evidence is discovered on the digital copy is meticulously recorded as evidence in a "finding report" and substantiated with the master copy in readiness for legal proceedings that entail discovery, sworn testimonies, or actual judicial proceeding (Kruse & Heiser, 2002). Digital forensics has turned to be its own field of systematic expertness, with its own assignments as well as certification. Recommended Steps in Gathering Forensic Evidence I recommend three stages in digital forensic probe: imaging or acquisition of exhibits, evidence analysis and reporting. Acquisition implies creating a "forensic duplicate" or the media`s precise sector level duplicate, oftentimes by use of a write blocking gadget to preclude original device modification. Both original media and acquired image are hashed (by MD5 or SHA-1) and the values compared to substantiate the accuracy of the copy. In the analysis stage, a detective retrieves evidence material by means of various ...
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