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The Human-Computer Interface

Essay Instructions:

As a software engineer, you have been asked to write a paper that describes the use of current technologies with regard to the human-computer interface. Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: 1. Explain haptic feedback, describe its key uses, and explain why it is needed. 2. Compare the various types of human memory and their impact on the human-computer interface. 3. Describe the potential outcomes of not using consistency in the human-computer interface. 4. Summarize and explain the steps of the user-centric design process. 5. Explain the role of human motion in the design of the human-computer interface. 6. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:  Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.  Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Human-Computer Interface
Question #1
In simulating the real world, computer scientists invented the virtual world with the use of computer to replicate reality. This has been enabled by the computer’s ability to mimic visual and auditory cues to form a virtual world similar to real life. However, only the senses of sight and hearing had been capable of recapitulation, until recently when the sense of touch got its own computer-generated models as most contemporary technology. Called the haptic feedback, the computer simulation or allows the user to feel sensations such as motion, vibrations, texture-applying forces, and other tactile sensations as he explores the virtual world. Through extensive study in the study of haptics or biology of touch to be able to create this kind of interface which is still a novice technology at its infancy stages of development (Te’eni, Carey, and Zhang, 2007).
With haptic feedback interface, the user is able to feel the metallic/luster texture of a weapon in the character role in combat virtual environment or the touch of the steering wheel in a virtual race or the hard and rough texture of the moon surface in a virtual landing on the moon in a simulator. This kind of interface called Haptic feedback interface is especially useful in telerobotics in the enhancement of control of robots and machines remotely especially in space programs. They are also particularly boost user interface in simulators especially in medicine research in surgical simulations and art and design. Future applications in holographic interactions have been contemplated. Hepatic feedback is particularly useful in enhancing the virtual world making it feel like the real world. The technology diminishes the rate of error especially in telerobotics and offers more interface paradigms (Vince, 2004).
Question #2
The human memory is divided into sensory, short-term and long-term memory depending on the time these parts are able to store information. Memory is requisite for learning, and the human memory is highly analogous to the computer’s in which it was the basis of its replication. The sensory memory of the human brain is related to sense or process of perception but hold information in the least duration of time in microseconds (Te’eni, Carey, and Zhang, 2007). However, it is an essential part of short-term memory and is being studied for the advancement of the haptic feedback interface. Short-term memory is essential in the transition to storage of information to the long-term memory. Short-term memory has a limited amount of storage capacity and stores information for a few seconds to less than a minute before the information is completely lost or stored in the long-term memory.
The human long-term memory can store information for a lifetime, and its capacity seems to be unlimited. It assists humans to retain and remember the meaning of words and physical skills they acquired. The human-computer interface is designed to exploit these variant memories of the human brain to achieve the intended purpose for which it was intended especially during training in which it helps in remembering. The study of human memory has been essential in designing the human-user interface in the pillar of user analysis. The design of the interface should be in confluence to the mental representat...
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