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Technology in the classroom

Essay Instructions:
expository essay on technology in the classroom, written in third person point of view, must be 1500 to 1750 words in length and formatted consistent with associate program style guidelines. include the following elements a title page, an introduction and a thesis statement, a body with supporting evidence and in-text citations, a conclusion, a reference list with at least two internet sources.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Technology in the classroom Name: Institution: Course: Course Instructor: Date Due: Technology has grown over the ages to capture the needs of the modern society. Scientists have walked the long journey of trial and error to develop appropriate technology, which adequately serves the human race. These technological advances have not left behind the education sector. However, most schools have not been able to keep progressing with technology. Low integration of technology in the education system to replace or supplement the normal class teaching has been observed in most schools, Rosemary (2012). However, most schools are making every effort to integrate technology in the system of learning thus many schools are now fitted with smart boards. However, this is not satisfactory. Hence, more is needed to tap the full potential of the learning technology available. However, though there are elements of demerits of technology in learning, proper use of this technology may aid skill and knowledge acquiring by students. This is because students are able to access a wide range of skills needed in the mordern economy, which is driven by technology knowledge base (Hollowel, 2012). The use and integration of technology in school learning programs does not mean only learning of basic computer applications and skills but involves effective use of the technology in the field of research and enhancing exchange of knowledge across individuals of different social classes in the globe (Hollowel, 2012). This involves proper planning to meet the syllabus needs and goals. Routine management and transparency of the program increases the efficiency in knowledge acquisition and delivery. This may include active participation of all stakeholders in group level, actively engaging the stakeholders in the learning process, frequent interaction and provision of feedback. Finally, connection to experts across the globe enables exchange of ideas and knowledge. Through such programs students can be challenged intellectually and further experience the setting of a mordern office, Rosemary (2012). Students are able to research and come up with answers to the problems set before them and also problems affecting the society in the current world. Adoption of technology in classroom gives the students diverse knowledge base to research and add knowledge. Further, it provides diverse information about different topics, which is also more reliable than other reading resources (Hollowel, 2012). The availability of current articles even of the most current innovations makes the online libraries good research tool for both the students and teachers. Use of image and sound enable students to interact fully with experts across the world cheaply. In addition, technology use in class improves the teachers’ effectiveness in delivering knowledge to students and offer several assessing tool to students by teachers. This may build the relationship between teachers and students since teachers become advisers and coaches, hence, making learning process enjoyable to both parties. This brings a new meaning of learning to the student as well as the teacher. Use of technology in class enables students in visualizing and modeling, especially in science subjects. This is done through experiment, observation and presentation of results graphically. Due to continuous access to research materials, students may improve their behavior in class since they need more time to research. This may mean avoiding time wasting activities, which have no value to them (Hollowel, 2012). The soft ware companies all over the word have made an effort to develop appropriate class software, Rosemary (2012). These soft ware enable teachers to plan their work and deliver more in their subjects. This creates an interface for students to meet their teachers in more hours even after class hours. These gains of use of technology, like the non-physical meeting of teachers and students making learning a 24 hours routine in a day. Integration of technology in the leaning process empowers Students with computer software Technical skills and key skills to research. These skills are critical in the mordern job markets and thus, improve the students’ capacity to work in the real world. In addition, computer software provides improved design skill especially for engineering students. This is through computer design programs, which ease the work, and reduces the time and cost associated in design work in class. According to Rosemary (2012), online lesson proof to be fun to students. Students are able to age authentic information through language block and working with other students. The process also promotes independent learning for students. Many students are able to gain from the same tutor simultaneously with minimal cost. This can be good deal for countries with low workforce especially the highly developed countries. Students are able to gain the information technology skills together with learning language ...
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