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Nano Batteries for Electric Cars

Essay Instructions:
The project has to be about Nano battery in the car industry. How it can revolutionized the use of electric cars. The project should include: - An analysis of the regulatory environment - Lobbying from the oil industry - Public Acceptance - Budget - Financial Incentives (rebates, tax credits, etc.) - Construction and Implementation Timeline - Expected Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings Benefits - Payback It should also be compared to the actual batteries that are used now for the electric car. If it is possible, I would like you to send me first an outline of the paper, then an executive summary and finally the final paper. By proceeding like this, I will be able to guide you and get to the desired outcome! Many thanks
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Executive summary
As the world rushes to find a solution to the imminent energy crisis, people and organisations are coming up with innovative solutions to address the world’s energy consumption needs. Over the past decade, the environment has taken a centre stage many making efforts trying to sensitize the world on environmental pollution. Fossil fuel has been identified as the main source of air pollution as the world burns energy in an industrial race. Motor vehicle emissions are among the top air pollutants alongside industrial emissions. The demand for transport is on the increase due to the increasing world population, the exhaust emission from motor vehicles has increased exponentially. Governments and non-governmental agencies are advocating for cheaper sources of clean, renewable alternative to fossil fuels. Car manufacturers have in the past developed electric technology that will replace conventional fuel. However, there have been issues as a result of sustainability and efficiency of the technology.
Given the global outcry to save the environment, car manufacturers were excited when electric car technology was introduced into the market. However, it failed to take root, as there were key limitations that needed to be addressed. Manufacturers used lithium batteries as a power source for the electric cars. However, this proved to be an expensive venture and sustainability was a challenge as the battery lives for the lithium core batteries were short. People wanted and alternative to fossil fuel that would guarantee them similar confronts that fossil fuels did (Sharon & Sharon, 2010). The current technology failed to do this.
In 2002, a group of researchers from Massachusetts Institute of technology led by professor Yet-Ming Chiang published their work in lithium ion power in a seminar paper titled, “Electronically conductive phosphor-olivine as lithium storage electrodes,” published in the Journal Nature Materials in October 2002. The technology addressed key concerns that stakeholders had on existing technology. In 2008, the researchers were granted a patent by the United States patent office under the name “Conductive Lithium Storage Electrode” (Chiang, Chung, Bloking, & Andersson, 2002).This patent covers the Nanophosphate materials used in A123 Systems’ products.
Nano-enabled batteries have a significant advantage over other rival technologies. The energy output of a battery is governed by the chemical reactions that happen inside the battery. For Nano batteries, the technology makes the chemical reactions controllable resulting in a longer output time. The chemical reactions in a battery occur over a larger surface are as the molecules inside the batteries are packaged in packets that allow for maximum output. Therefore, the energy the Nano batteries produce is much greater. Finally, the life circle of Nano batteries is longer to the existing batteries used for electric cars. This is because the energy output by the batteries if modulated to enable thus the recharge circles are shorter and fewer. This paper analysis Nanophosphate technology and the effects it has on the motor vehicle industry and other related sectors. The impacts of this technology to the world and the environment as a whole are also addressed (Altavilla & Ciliberto, 2011).
Analysis of the regulatory environment
Global focus has shifted over the past decades to ways of addressing environmental pollution. An alternative source for energy that is cheap and renewable is seen as the best options. However, these alternatives come at a cost. Materials used in Nanotechnology have been red flagged by environmentalists as dangerous and non-renewable. The nanoparticles have raised concerns because knowledge available is scarce. There is currently little legislation on nanotechnology as different industries embrace the technology. This is a worrying factor for many as there are no set guidelines in which manufactures can operate. However, different government organisations are working together in an effort to regulate the industry.
Energy is an extremely sensitive topic at the moment. As everyone tries to come up with energy solutions, no one wants to be seen as an anti-reformist who does not advocate for cheaper and better energy alternatives. However, in a rush to embrace new and emerging technologies, there is a risk of allowing harmful technology into the market. Agencies such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States main concern are the protection of consumers and the environment (Langwith, 2009).
The United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have started to analyse and access the potential risks involved in nanotechnology. There have been growing concerns that the technology may have adverse effects on human health and the environment. Studies have drawn links between nanotechnology and various forms of cancer. It must be noted that all this research is inconclusive and thus cannot be relied on for concrete evidence (Altavilla & Ciliberto, 2011). However, this is not a reason to push the notion of adverse effects of nanotechnology to the human body and the environment.
The disposal of nanotechnology material is also in the jurisdiction of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The environmental impact nanotechnology can have cannot yet be quantified. Countries have commissioned research centres in an attempt to provide needed insight into the environmental impacts nanotechnology will have. To appreciate the marvels of nanotechnology, understanding the technology is essential to ensure the impact the technology will have on all aspects of life on earth is grasped.
Lobbying from the oil industry
For the better part of the last two centuries, the world has been heavily reliant on fossil fuels to meet its energy needs. From manufacturing to transport and communication, oil has been the corner stone in providing needed energy. Oil companies have felt on the need for energy security and growing demand as the world changes to form a foothold as the main drivers of economies. This is seen by the by the influence oil companies have in modern day setting. Conflicts and wars have been fought as countries rush for sustainable fuel. In the Middle East, some countries have never experienced long spells of peace as multinationals fight over natural oil and gas reserves. Stock markets have crashed because of the influence global oil companies have of the economic dynamics that are in place. However, the emergence of usable nanotechnology is threatening that foothold. Nanotechnologies, especially Nano batteries have the potential of solving the problem of cheap, clean and renewable energy. This means that the need for fossil fuel will reduce significantly, as nanotechnology takes a hold.
Companies such as A123 have the technology to provide the market with cheap Nano batteries that are renewable to be used in different sectors. The main design that is being markets to potential investors is Nano batteries to be used in electric cars. Existing technologies on electric car batteries from companies such as Altairnano have failed to address all the concerns that need to be addressed. Failures by such companies have given companies such as A123 a rare opportunity to ensure the energy sector and claim a stack (Langwith, 2009). Through innovative nanotechnology, A123 can be able to change the energy industry entirely. The Nano-enabled batteries for electric cars have brought up questions on the significance oil producers have in a modern environmentall...
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