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Fracking and Water Contamination

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Fracking and Water Contamination Name: University: Course Title: Professor: Date Due: Fracking and Water Contamination Introduction Fracking is the process of natural gas mining in which streams of water and certain chemicals are pumped at high pressures into the underground rocks containing the natural gas and petroleum to force the gas to the surface, from where it can be collected. This process is also known as hydraulic fracturing drilling, (Mooney, 2011). The process had previously been exempted from the list of water pollution causes. However, recent studies have shown a link, though minor, of not only water pollution but also air pollution to the process. Ground and air monitoring equipment have collected data to show this. Ground water that initially tested negative for the synthetic chemicals related to fracking has now indicated presence of the same after more and more tests were recommended after the initial results were negative, (Mooney, 2011). The Fracking process The process of fracking begins with preparation of fracking fluid in which various chemicals are mixed with water. Then, a well is vertically drilled from the surface into the ground, and then horizontally to the point that access to the target rock containing the gas is possible. A steel pipe is then inserted into the well. The pipe must have pores on some part that will access the deeper level containing natural gas to allow the fracking fluid to flow out of the pipe to react within the target zones, (Schmidt, 2011). The pores form the route through which the gas will flow into the well and up to the surface as well as the flow of the fracking fluid back to the surface. The volume of the fracking fluid ejected through the pores exceeds the volume of the same that penetrates to the target zones. As a result, there is accumulation of the fluid and this raises the pressure to a point that forces the rocks in the target zones to crack. The flow of the fluid into the well then stops, and the fluid begins to flow into the opposite direction (upwards) to eject the fluid. Within the fluid are components called proppats, which could be sand or ceramics (Mooney, 2011). These do not flow out of the fractured target zones. Instead, they are left to keep the fractures open. Acidizing of the fluid also may have been done during preparation of the fluid. This is done by addition of hydrochloric acid and helps in cleaning the pores for the fluid to flow out well and the gas that will follow. However, some of the fluid (estimated between 28% to 50%) remains underground. The flow back to the surface produces a fluid called flow back, which is collected in open pits or tanks. After the flow back has completely been collected, the gas is then harvested (Mooney, 2011). Advantages of fracking To-date, there is no other known method of natural gas extraction that lies several thousands of feet below the earth surface (Mooney, 2011). The fracking process is therefore very crucial in the extraction of the natural gas reserves which otherwise could not be accessed. Fracking is a huge boost to the economic growth to the country or state that has the discovered the reserves within its boundaries. There is a lot of income in terms of revenue paid to the state by the citizens and companies who are the end consumers of the gas. Another additional benefit the state gets from the natural gas is creation of jobs for the citizens. With the amount of work that needs to be done in the extraction, thousands of unemployed citizens will be employed to provide the labor required (Mooney, 2011). Suppliers of the fracking chemicals and other materials, the gas extracted will need to be refined, transportation, engineers to look over the mining process among other workers will benefit in the project. To some extent, natural gas is more environment friendly than coal and gasoline. Burning natural gas yields less greenhouse effect than burning gasoline and coal, since it produces lesser carbon dioxide than coal. However, Mooney explains that unburnt natural gas has more effect on the environment than unburnt coal and gasoline (2011). Fracking is a source of export that earns the state enormous income in form of foreign exchange. Every country needs a reliable energy source to power their activities. Not all countries can provide their energy requirements, therefore they import from available sources and the state is set to benefit from this (Mooney, 2011) Pollutant Components from Fracking Schmidt points out that there is a possibility that the trucks carrying water and chemicals into the rocks and the steel pipes taking the gas to the surface leak, releasing their contents into the underground water table (2011). This could be as a result of poor and rushed cementing of the steel pipes, which should be well cemented before use to channel the gas to the surface. The components of the natural gas include methane, benzene, xylene, and other hydrocarbon gases. The presence of the pollutants in water makes the water flammable and could cause explosion. Methane, a constituent component of natural gas and also a green house gas, is the main reason drinking water sourced from the regions surrounding the gas mining sites has a bad smell and taste (Schmidt, 2011). Bad smell and taste makes the water unpalatable. The fracking fluid that leaks could contain several synthetic chemicals and water making it also toxic when ingested in water. Peko confirms that the water from the sources has a salty taste, being as evidence that brine from the trucks may have leaked into the water source (2011). Brine is part of the hydraulic fracturing fluid. In addition, poor waste water disposal and handling which finds its way to the water sources, such as wells. Some of the tested chemicals are present in levels below drinking water standards, while others (such as benzene) are in levels higher than drinking water levels (Schmidt, 2011). Whether the chemical levels present in the water are lower or higher than the required standards, alternative sources of water for drinking and cooking must be sought since the chemicals find their way into the water by percolation and the process is continuous. The levels are expected to rise progressively. Also, most of the chemicals are very harmful in the human bodies and even traces should not be tolerated while others bioaccumulation to levels that are highly toxic. Benzene is just an example, whose small quantities bioaccumulation and causes cancer in human body. How fracking causes water contamination To begin with, the process of preparing the fracking fluid involves access to water sources as water is one of the components of the fluid. Unless the collection of water is keenly monitored, the dangerous chemicals used in the preparation could find their way into the water source, especially if there is a direct link to the source or if the source is within a short distance from the site of fluid preparation. Companies involved have not revealed the chemicals used to prepare the fracking fluid calling it a trading secret. There are fears about the harm the chemicals could have on human, animal and plant life. Spillage of chemicals at the site of the chemicals and or the fracking fluid`s preparation could also mean that the chemicals will eventually find their way to the nearby water sources, (Schmidt, 2011). Secondly, the flow of the fracking fluid from the ground back onto the surface is do...
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