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Usability in Software

Essay Instructions:

This assignment requires you to write a 3+ page paper to discuss your experience of human computer interface. This paper should cover but not limited to topics such as what features you find are most user friendly, and what make it cumbersome to use, and why usability is important in HCI, etc. The example you use could come from your workplace or daily life. It is okay to use one or multiple examples to prove your position. The writing should be clear and precise. Only provide argument/evidence that is relevant to your statement.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Computer Interface is the planning, designing and uses of the interactions between computers and the users. My experience shows that unlike the rest of the tools with limited users like driving nails or using a hammer, a computer consists of many affordances available for use and this happens in a dialog that is open ended between the computer and the user (Jones and Marsden, 2008). Human beings interact with computers in different many ways and the interface between computers and human beings is crucial in facilitating such an interaction. The common futures that I use in the day to day life and use the prevalent Graphical User Interfaces include handled computers, internet browsers, computer kiosks and desktop applications.
User Friendly Features
HCI have proved to be extremely important when included with intuitive systems features that are usable for all persons with varied expertise and abilities. HCI makes the most of our day to day experiences to come up with software, devices and features that are more usable and understandable for every user making using computers more user friendly. For example, a user can make use of a small folder’s graphic in the interface of his computer to assist him or her in understanding the application of the folder. Well designed systems with HCI features make interactions instinctive, clear and natural (Jones and Marsden, 2008).
In the modern world, computers form part of various aspects of our daily lives even to the people who don’t own or use a computer directly and are affected in one way or the other by computing. Some of the day to day applications include vending machines, ATM machines and dispensing machines where computer interfaces are applicable. Some of the HCI features are also applicable in businesses to ensure that the employees are not frustrated as they work and ensure that there is increased output. Such features also ensure safety in the work places.
Some of the commonly used features include graphical user interface which save the users from memorizing syntax and commands as the features allow them to just go to the menu and select items by clicking. Mobile platforms on the other hand have done away with mouse pads and keyboards by introducing touch screens which make user interface simpler. This has increased the comfort of the users as well as the passive interference. The other consideration of HCI is not just usability but also accessible to all users even those that...
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