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Describe the Real Software Problems in Security

Essay Instructions:

Finalize your research paper #2 and turn in your report. Your report should be minimum 4 double-spaced pages in length, excluding the cover sheet and bibliography. You need to present your paper. It should be a 7-minute presentation.

The second paper must address the real software problems in security. Research a software problem and address what the problem is in details and recommend how to remediate the problem.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Blue Screen Error and Solution
Software Problem and Solution
Just as computer hardware can break and affect the performance of the device, so is the case with computer software. However, unlike computer hardware, problems associated to computer software are likely to affect the security of the information stored within a computer. This is because they can lead to entire computer crush thus leading to loss of all the important information that was stored within the computer. Subsequently, most of the problems caused by computer software can be remediated. One of the common forms of computer software problem that is likely to hinder the security of the information stored in a computer is the Blue Screen Error, which is normally referred to as the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). Just as its name suggests when it occurs on a computer system, the monitor of the computer shows an unwelcoming sight of a blues screen.
Causes of Blue Screen Error
According to computer experts, issues associated with the malfunction of the computer hardware are what normally cause the occurrences blues screen. It is argued that standard software is not capable of causing a blue screen on a computer. This is because; crashing of applications does not normally hinder the performance of a computers operating system. Besides the hardware, experts have also associated occurrence of blue screens on computers with some low level software running on the kernel of Windows (Hardman, 2010). Upon encountering this type of error, which causes the computer screen to turn blue, Windows stops working thus prompting a computer to restart. When such an occurrence takes place safety of some data in the crushed computer remains vulnerable. This is because the computer cannot save the open data that was in the computer at the time of crashing. Fortunately, most computers are programmed in such a way that when a BSOD occurs on Windows automatically creates some file known as “minidump”, which it saves on the computer disk. This file is what can be used to establish the real cause of the computer crash since it contains information about the crash (Combofix, 2016).
How to Fix a BSoD
Occurrence of the blue screen is a clear indication that a computer has a serious problem and will probably not work smoothly unless the problem is fixed. Therefore, the process of fixing a BSoD adheres to the following three steps. First, one should check the safe mode. Checking the safe mode is critical process in retrieving the computer from BSoD status since it helps in establishing whether the problem was caused by hardware or software (How-To Geek, 2016). The easiest way of determining whether hardware or the software caused the problem is by restarting the computer through a safe mode. If the problem was caused by software, then the computer should resume its usual working status upon restarting it on a safe...
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