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Social Impact of Television

Essay Instructions:

Assignment One - Social Impact of Technology TV (television) write a paper about its historic and current impact on the economy, the environment, relationships, education, and morals. Give examples to support your discussion and cite at least three (3) sources in your paper. Include an APA-formatted bibliography. The response should be a maximum of two (2) pages in length. The bibliography is the only thing that must be in APA –format Format Requirements Margins 1” all sides Paragraphs Single-space Double-space between paragraphs Indent first line of each paragraph Headings Bold Type Style and Size Times New Roman, 12 point Software MS Word Bibliograpy APA-format (Sources must be cited in APA format) The following information should be on the first page on the top left side of the page in the format provided below. Do not provide a cover sheet. Student Name Student Identification Number Course Number and Title Assignment Number and Title Date of Submission


Assignment One - Social Impact of Technology

 TV (television) write a paper about its historic and current impact on the economy, the environment, relationships, education, and morals.  Give examples to support your discussion and cite at least three (3) sources in your paper.  Include an APA-formatted bibliography.


The response should be a maximum of two (2) pages in length. 

The bibliography is the only thing that must be in APA –format

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institution Affiliation
Date of Submission
Society’s daily lives have been significantly impacted by the development in the field of technology. Television is a specific type of technology that has greatly impacted the society because the developments in science and technology have a direct effect to daily social, personal and professional lives. Since the inception of television, the medium has had influences on social aspect of the society. Televisions are being used in virtually all areas such as education and work.
Televisions have positively impacted the area of education. Educational television is a very powerful and effective tool for learning by children if utilized effectively. This is because the younger generation is able to discover, where in the society, they fit well thereby developing relationships with peers and family, in addition to teaching them to understand the complex social aspects of communication. Educational television adds value to children achievements because they become more creative as they are exposed to positive models who they emulate their character to behave better in the society (Rydin, 2000). Television has been used to promote learning and social behavior as it was used to reach the underprivileged groups in society. An example is the educational program Sesame Street, which was teaching elementary reading skills concept formation, in addition to promoting social behavior like finding solution in a conflict without violence thereby strengthening children’s self-confidence.
Research indicates that individuals who suffer from social isolation employ television to create a faux relationship with the characters from individual’s favorite channels. This helps them to deflect the feeling of loneliness and social deprivation since one is able to spend time with a real person to share opinions thoughts and relationships. The television characters become more invested in these individuals’ lives as if they are close friends. Therefore, individuals are able to satiate the human desire forming meaningful relationships that establish themselves in the society. An individual who is not able to relate with real people can not indicate feeling of loneliness because of watching their favorite TV programs.
Watching television enables a person to create a cushion and prevent them from experiencing reduced self esteem and inadequacy feelings that can accompany the perceived threat after an event of violence or argument (Buckingham, 2000). Televisions helps in relieving feelings of depression and loneliness to those who do not have relationships since they have a temporary substitute for acceptance and belonging experiences through relationships watching television. This is a positive consequence of television since it counters psychological damage that can result from isolation from social relationships.
The development of television over the years has vastly impacted the economy. This is because of the countless jobs which have been created to technology advancement. The application of technology development of the nation is faster in both industrial and educational fields. This is because the ease of dispensing information from one region to another is faster, which translates into a higher level of productivity. Producers are able to pass information to their respective consumers regarding benefits of their products, as well as consumers become aware of the different products available in the market (Lerner, 1958). This way time is saved to disseminate information to a diverse region hence increasing productivity and profits. Another area regarding the economy is creation of jobs as many people have to work in television studios as well as advertising companies to create commercials. The dissemination of information in vast region enables individual to acquire knowledge to start their own business due to the impact of television in business and the economy.
Televisions have played a major role in kick starting ailing econom...
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