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Social Impact of Birth Control

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Two - Social Impact of Technology Using your own words, explain three (3) world arguments for birth control and two (2) world arguments against birth control. Give original examples (not in the Technology and Society Issues for the 21st Century and Beyond 3rd Edition – Person textbook) or further clarification of each viewpoint or position. Give examples to support your discussion and cite at least three (3) sources in your paper. Include an APA-formatted bibliography. The response should be a maximum of two (2) pages in length. The bibliography is the only thing that must be in APA –format Format Requirements Margins 1” all sides Paragraphs Single-space Double-space between paragraphs Indent first line of each paragraph Headings Bold Type Style and Size Times New Roman, 12 point Software MS Word Bibliograpy APA-format (Sources must be cited in APA format) The following information should be on the first page on the top left side of the page in the format provided below. Do not provide a cover sheet. Student Name Student Identification Number Course Number and Title Assignment Number and Title Date of Submission


Assignment Two - Social Impact of Technology

Using your own words, explain three (3) world arguments for birth control and two (2) world arguments against birth control.  Give original examples (not in the  Technology and Society Issues for the 21st Century and Beyond 3rd Edition – Person textbook) or further clarification of each viewpoint or position. 

Give examples to support your discussion and cite at least three (3) sources in your paper.  Include an APA-formatted bibliography.

The response should be a maximum of two (2) pages in length. 

The bibliography is the only thing that must be in APA –format

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Date of Submission
The introduction of pills for birth control in the US around 1960 had an impact on the social life, women health and fertility trends, in addition to sexual practices among both adults and adolescents. This introduction coincided with the social revolution where there was great changes regarding attitudes towards sexuality. The birth control pill enabled women to engage in sex without the fear of getting pregnant. For this reason, women acquired more sexual freedom that has never been experienced in the past thus, empowering them in the outside world.
Women were in the past had a burden of knowing that any sexual relations could result in pregnancy because the only precautionary measure was wearing condoms which had no proof of dependability (Silverman, 2013). This made more women to be fearful of becoming pregnant though it did not stop women from having extramarital sex but it created a veil of fear. The advent of birth control pills offered women an opportunity to be in charge of their sex lives and started to practice it whenever they wanted. The birth control pill thus, has put women in the same playing field as men. Birth control pills therefore, mean that there is no involuntary pregnancy which used to be a threat for female sexual activity in the past. The pills enabled women to acquire the power to decide on their physical, emotional and financial preparedness for commitment to have and raise children.
Many women did not have sex as they wanted before the advent of birth control pills since they did so after they got married. This was a huge commitment to make in order for women to have an excellent sex life. Married women who wanted to have sex without getting pregnant had to use alternative methods such as the rhythm method even though it was not a method that was dependable (Shi, 2012). Women can now have sex as often as they want without fear of getting pregnant or being forced into marriage due to the development of birth control pills. Women were able to lead a single life and venture in work place because they started to act more independently, enabling them to live on their own and on their own terms.
The introduction of birth control pills has resulted in women occupying greater position in the society prior to its introduction. This is because Women have occupied positions which were traditional reserved for men such heads of leading companies, and also challenging men in the world of politics. These are events that could have shocked society traditionally but now is a common place for women (L, 1999). Birth control pills have provided women with such benefits and society at large.
Traditionally, women were supposed to play the role of wife and mother with limited jobs such as teachers and nurses, but the advent of birth control pills have lifted these limitations thereby benefiting society. This is because women have a chance to indulge in business and politics, as there are large numbers of women who have embarked on careers that calls for long term commitment in education and training. Given that pregnancy...
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