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Principle of Automotive of Vehicles: Exhaust and Emission Control and the Braking Systems

Essay Instructions:

Please review the ISAP (PG 35-36 and PG 42– 5-7 pages in length for full credit).

Forgot to mention that illustrations can be utilized to updated outdated figures in the chapters assigned to update (CH 7 & 34). The added pictures can aid in meeting the 5-7 page requirement.


TM 9-8000 Writing Assignment

Each student will be assigned 1-3 chapters of TM 9-8000 to review, update, and revise. Updates may include, but are not limited to, grammatical errors, updates to existing text, graphics and/or illustrations, incorporating new changes to existing automotive technology, and/or adding new technology that is currently not included in TM 9-8000. Students may also choose to write about a new automotive technology that does not currently exist in TM 9-8000. However, all new automotive technology topics will be approved by the class SGL. Because your recommendations may be used to update TM 9-8000, the following criteria will be followed:

Use Ariel 11 or 12 Point Font.

6. Discuss and answer the following topics for each subject/chapter discussed:

a. Updated Chapter

b. Section

c. Paragraph Number

d. Paragraph Title

e. Type of Update (i.e. new update, revision of an existing topic, update illustration, etc.

f. Current Text from TM 9-8000

g. Recommended lllustrations(s)

h. The platform that the component or automotive technology is used on

i. Recommended Change(s)


The information obtained from a minimum of three information sources is summarized clearly, accurately and well organized in your own words. All information sources are credible and relevant to the requirement for the chosen topic.

Cited an applicable references in accordance with APA guidelines. Correctly used in-text citations. Reference page was used and IAW APA format. Used 11 or 12-point Ariel font. Paper was 7-5 pages long.

Less than 3 minor spelling/grammatical errors

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Principle of Automotive Of Vehicles
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Instructor's Name
Chapter 7: Exhaust and Emission Control Systems
TM 9-8000 is a technical manual that provides detailed information on various components of modern automotive exhaust and emission control systems (United States Government, US Army, & Pub, 2017). The manual covers the features and functions of exhaust systems and the details and tasks of emission control systems. Emission control systems are an essential part of modern automotive vehicles.
The exhaust system is the most crucial component of the emission control system, as it controls the release of harmful pollutants. It consists of several parts, including the tailpipe, manifold, muffler, and catalytic converter (Jackson et al., 1960). The manifold collects exhaust gases from the engine and directs them to the catalytic converter, which converts toxic pollutants into less harmful substances. The muffler then reduces the noise produced by the exhaust gases, which the tailpipe directs away from the vehicle. In addition to the exhaust system, there are other emission control system components, such as air intake, fuel injection, and spark advance systems.
Updated Chapter: Chapter 7 - Exhaust and Emission Control Systems
Section: Introduction
Paragraph Number: 7-1
Paragraph Title: General
Type of Update: Revision of existing topic
Current Text from TM 9-8000: Emission control systems installed in automotive engines must meet EPA minimum standards. This will ensure emissions of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides are kept to a minimum.
Recommended Illustration(s): A diagram of an automotive engine showing the emissions systems and components.
Platform: Automotive engines
Recommended Change(s): Emission control systems installed in automotive engines must meet EPA minimum standards. This will ensure emissions of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and other pollutants are kept to a minimum.
1 Updated Chapter, Section, Paragraph Number: 7-4, Paragraph Title: Particulate Traps
Type of Update: Revision of an existing topic
Current Text from TM 9-8000: "Particulate traps trap and store solid particles in the exhaust system."
Recommended Illustration(s): A diagram demonstrating the location of the particulate trap in a vehicle's exhaust system, a photograph of a particulate trap, and how it works.
The Platform on which the Component or Automotive Technology is Used: Most modern gasoline and diesel engines.
Recommended Change(s): "Particulate traps capture and store solid particles in the exhaust system. During regeneration, the trapped solid particles are removed from the exhaust system, which involves heating the filter to burn off the trapped particles."
2 Chapter 7: Exhaust and Emission Control Systems
Section 1: Exhaust Systems
Paragraph Number: 7-1-1
Paragraph Title: Exhaust System Components
Type of Update: New Update
Current Text from TM 9-8000: N/A
Recommended Illustration: Diagrams of the components of an exhaust system, such as the manifold, catalytic converter, muffler, and tailpipe.
Platform: All modern automotive vehicles.
Recommended Change: Add a diagram of the components of an exhaust system, such as the manifold, catalytic converter, muffler, and tailpipe, to illustrate the parts and their functions.
3 Chapter 7: Exhaust and Emission Control Systems
Section 2: Emission Control Systems
Paragraph Number: 7-2-1
Paragraph Title: Introduction
Type of Update: Revision of an existing topic
Current Text from TM 9-8000: Emission control systems control the release of pollutants from combustion engines into the atmosphere.
Recommended Illustration: N/A
Platform: All modern automotive vehicles.
Recommended Change: Emission control systems are designed to reduce the release of pollutants from combustion engines into the atmosphere and improve the engine's overall efficiency.
Chapter 7 of TM 9-8000 covers Exhaust and Emission Control Systems and provides information on the components and design of exhaust and emission control systems. Paragraph 7-1-1 covers Exhaust System Components and describes an exhaust system's various parts and functions.
Paragraph 7-2-1 provides an introduction to emission control systems. The recommended update is to revise the existing text to provide more information on the purpose of emission control systems and their role in improving the engine's efficiency. The revised text would emphasize that emission control systems are designed to reduce the release of pollutants from combustion engines into the atmosphere and improve the engine's overall efficiency.
The manual introduces exhaust system components in Chapter 7, Section 1, and Paragraph 7-1-1. I...
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