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Operation and IT Management

Essay Instructions:

The relatively new "information lifecycle management" approach to data storage and use is receiving a great deal of attention these days. StorageTek defines it:

"Information lifecycle management (ILM) is a sustainable storage strategy that balances the cost of storing and managing information with its business value."

Like any management philosophy, this approach is new in some ways and not in others. But it does have some advantages in terms of explicitly addressing the relationship between data use and data storage. IT managers tend to concentrate on issues of storage and maintenance, while operations managers tend to be more concerned with the immediate use of the data. This occasional tension between needs embodied in organizational structure can be discouraging and potentially damaging. So if there is a way out, both operations and IT managers would like to see it. That's what this module is all about.

Here are two resources that give an overview of the information lifecycle approach:

Life Cycle Management (N.D.) Information Life Cycle Management. Retrieved December 4, 2011, from http://www(dot)life-cyclemanagement(dot)com/information-life-cycle-management.php

Jericho Forum (2009) COA Paper: Information Lifecycle Management. OpenGroup.org. Retrieved December 4, 2011, from http://www(dot)opengroup(dot)org/jericho/COA_Information_Lifecycle_Management_v1.0.pdf

And this solution from IBM:

IBM. Information lifecycle management: Efficiently manage information from creation through disposal. Retrieved Feb 21, 2012, from http://www-935(dot)ibm(dot)com/services/us/its/pdf/ods00056-usen-00.pdf.

IBM. Disposal and Governance Management: The foundation for information governance. Retrieved Feb 21, 2012, from http://www-01(dot)ibm(dot)com/software/ecm/disposal-governance/.

After reading these articles and reviewing other information from the Background and other sources, prepare a 3- to 5-page paper on the following topic:

Based on the readings and your experiences, how do you think information lifecycle management will affect coordination and conflicts between operations managers and information technology managers?

Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be from three to five pages. Take a definite stand on the issues, and develop your supporting argument carefully. Using material from the Background information and any other sources you can find to support specific points in your argument is highly recommended; try to avoid making assertions for which you can find no support other than your own opinion.

You will be particularly assessed on:

  • Precision: Draw on a range of sources and establish your understanding of the historical context of the question. Carry out the exercise as assigned, or carefully explain the limitations that might have prevented your completing some parts. (Running out of time isn’t generally considered an adequate limitation.)
  • Support for assertions: Use examples, citations (especially to the required readings), and elaboration to support assertions. Provide evidence that you have read the required Background materials.
  • Clarity: Provide clear answers that show good understanding of the topic. Understand the module's purpose, and structure your paper accordingly.
  • Breadth and depth: Make the scope of your paper relate directly to the questions of the assignment and the learning outcomes of the module.
  • Critical thinking: Incorporate your reactions, examples, and applications of the material to business in a way that illustrates your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts. Read the Required Readings posted in the Background material plus others you find relevant. Providing informed commentary and analysis is vital—simply repeating what sources say does not constitute an adequate paper.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Operation and IT Management
Institutional Affiliation
Student Name

Data storage, maintenance, and utilization may tend to be hectic particularly when the information is scanned and filtered from one source before release to the next user. The incident is a reality between IT Managers and Operational Managers. Though the whole scenario might be hectic, it does not mean that information sharing and accomplishment of the individual responsibilities halts. The guarantee about proper management and achievement of the company’s goals is realizable through creation of a collaborate understanding among managers; deploying the latest technological facilities, and infusing measures aimed at sustaining smooth flow of information from one system to the other. Personal discipline will also be critical for to enhance this achievement.
Working Behaviors
Technology Road-Mapping (TRM) is a reliable tool for ensuring that there is minimal conflict between senior management in an organization. This tool concentrates on the issues surrounding the working environment, paying attention to the importance of balancing communication with the technological growth. For instance, the data storage devices may be defective hence compromising the flow of information to the Operation Manager. This scenario is likely cost the organization unprecedented losses. Rainer & Cegielski, (2011) suggest that TRM ensures that the available technology is significant towards improving the benefits and realization of the company’s objectives. In addition, some of the visual capabilities incorporated within the TRM can ensure that the IT Manager communicates with the Operational Manager in requesting for data, and processing to meet a specific need without any delay (Daft, R. L., Murphy, J., & Willmott, 2010). IT Managers maintain the technology plans to promote safety office equipments and data, as well as maintenance of the data against the unpredictable loss of hacking. However, the Operational Manager plays an essential role in ensuring that the feedback system is achieved based on the request from a client.
In designing databases, the organization management ensures that the information shared between computer servers is safe in their systems to prevent any form of distortion that may create misunderstanding. Operational Managers concern the retrieval and usability of the information received from the IT Manager under condition that there are no hindrances along the transmission system. As a result, their different tasks are realized within the time stipulated, therefore maintaining friendly working environment between IT Manager and Operational Manager (Griffin, 2007).
However, it is not guaranteed that the Operational Manager could receive and retrieve any information at will. This incident could result from defaults within the transmission system or indefinite failure of the storage system. To prevent...
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