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Operations and IT Management

Essay Instructions:

As you recall, we are using a common basic format for most of the project assignments in all modules—that is, simulations.

For our final excursion into simulation, we'll try something a bit different—it's less a game than a fairly complex look into a real enterprise. You have considerable latitude as to what parts of the exercise you want to follow up on—just be sure to do something with it!

From the introduction to the simulation:

The Cameron Balloons Virtual Factory

Welcome to the Cameron Balloons virtual factory on biz/ed.co.uk. There are four main sections of the factory:

  • Factory floor—Here you'll find worksheets, photos, relevant business studies theories, and explanations of each main business function. This section also includes the new Work Flow and Day in the Life features.
  • Cameron Balloons—Here is general information about the company, its history, and product range.
  • Cost Breakdown—Find out here how much each part of a balloon will cost.
  • Glossary—Use this section to get to grips with ballooning jargon. You can click on the glossary icon to find out what a term means.

Cameron Balloons made the Breitling Orbiter balloon that made aviation history by flying around the world, finishing on March 21, 1999.

  1. If you wish, you can start your trip around the virtual factory with the virtual tour to see inside the Cameron Balloons factory.
  2. Also available is a Site Map that gives you an overview of the Virtual Factory. The Teachers' Guide gives information about how to get the best out of the site. We hope you enjoy your trip around the factory.
  3. Follow up by clicking on the various parts of the simulation, paying particular attention to how operations interacts with other functions of the company.

When you are finished think about what you have learned about Cameron Balloons in conjunction with this module's readings.

Then, in 2-3 pages, address the following questions:

  • What did you learn about Cameron Balloons' business process?
  • Briefly describe the interdependence of Cameron Balloons operations with the other functional areas of the business. Why is understanding this interdependence important and how should it be incorporated into business strategy?
  • Briefly describe how incorporating IT solutions could help improve operations.
  • What do you now think of computer-based simulations in general as a learning mechanism? Of this one in particular?

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be two to three pages in length and reflect your personal experiences with this issue. The important part of the project assignments is to carefully assess your own experiences with the topic, and then reflect critically on what you have learned about yourself and about situations through this assessment process.

The more that you can use the exercise to develop personal implications for your growth as a potential businessperson as well as a moral individual, the more value you'll get out of the exercise.

Your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Precision: Carry out the exercise as assigned, or carefully explain the limitations that might have prevented your completing some parts. (Running out of time isn’t generally considered an adequate limitation.)
  • Clarity: Provide clear answers that show good understanding of the topic.
  • Breadth and depth: Make the scope of your paper relate directly to the questions of the assignment and the learning outcomes of the module.

Critical thinking: Incorporate your reactions, examples, and applications of the material to business in a way that illustrates your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Operations and IT Management 
Operations and IT Management-SLP
The world of computing and information technology is growing in leaps and bounds as companies continue the search for that extra edge that gives them dominance in their specific area of expertise. Businesses have automated everything from offices to people either through simulations, telepresence, holograms or other similar virtual techniques. Most businesses have found this edge by incorporating virtual tours among the services available on their website (Laudon et al, 2011). This is a brilliant move as it saves both the company and its potential clients and investors’ time and money. A company with virtual tours has an edge compared to other companies in the same domain who do not as it increases credibility. Cameron Balloons has not been left behind. It is a company based in Bristol, UK that deals with the manufacture of air balloons and other inflatable structures. It has a website that has many features that build the client’s understanding of their day-to-day activities. They range from virtual tours, updated reports on the life of some of their management, breakdown of costs and balloon production process among others.
Cameron Balloons concentrates most of its efforts on production. This starts with concept development through both 2D and 3D modeling, search of appropriate fabric and its proper cutting and printing, stitching, quality testing and a test launch to confirm the credibility and integrity of their product is intact. As much as production is vital in any business, it is important to highlight the interdependence among many different Cameron business operations. Marketing is important to ensure continued business. Research and Development is also important as it keeps aug...
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