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Module 4 Case: System Maintenance Issues On Information Security

Essay Instructions:

Module 4 - Case


Case 4 is in two parts: information security standards and ethics.

Part I

Based on the reading materials at background section and your own research, prepare a 3-5 page report to address the following questions on ISO standards on information security management:

Describe the Plan-Do-Check-Act process.

What does this process accomplish?

Part II

Based on the reading materials at background section and your own research, prepare a 3-5 page report to answer the following questions

Discuss the difference between law and ethics;

Research the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and discuss how it has impacted information security in an organization.

Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be from 6 to 10 pages long. Combine Parts I and II into a single report, labeling each part accordingly.

Your paper should provide a summary of your findings from the assigned materials and any good quality resources you can find. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper. The following items will be assessed in particular:

Ability to consolidate ideas from reading materials.

Demonstration of your understanding of the process of how to manage and operate an information security management system.

The ability to express your ideas clearly.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical, Political, and System Maintenance Issues on Information Security
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), invented by Dr. William Edwards Deming is an iterative approach that has four stages that can be used for the continuous improvement of products, process and services and also in problem-solving. It is generally for testing the solutions that look possible, result assessment and putting into work those that seem to work. The developer of this process, Deming aimed to find and identify the causes that led to the failure of products such that they did not meet the expectations of the customers. It helps businesses to identify what need to be changed and then put them into a continuous feedback loop.
According to Mind Tools Editorial Team, the PDCA has got four stages; Plan, Do, Check and Act. The Plan phase involves identification and understanding of the problem or opportunity that the business would want to take advantage of. The simplex process gives the first six steps that can be very helpful in this. It guides through the process of information exploration, problem definition, ideas generation and screening and plan implementation. This stage is finalized by a quantitative statement of the expectations.
In the Do stage, a small-scale pilot project is used to test after the identification of the possible potential solutions. What this does is to find out if the desired outcome can be achieved with minimal disruption of the other operations. While running the pilot project, data to show if the plan works or not should be gathered. The collected data is very useful in the next stage. It should, however, be noted that this stage the term ‘Do' means ‘Try' or ‘Test' and not the full implementation.
In the check stage, the results of the pilot project are analyzed. The analysis should be according to the expectations stated in the first stage. It should show if the idea worked or did not. If the idea worked, then the next step should be implemented. If the idea did not work, then next step to take is to move back to stage one. It is also advisable to not to settle for a solution that is less than satisfactory but rather put more changes into the trial. This involves several repetitions of the ‘Do' and ‘Check' stages.
The last stage is called the Act stage, and it requires the implementation of the solution. It should, however, be noted that the PDCA is a loop process and not a beginning and end process. The new solution of the service or product serves as a foundation for new and better ways.
The PCDA process is very vital when it comes to the improvement of the product. It makes it easier by a systematic breakdown of the processes into smaller steps that can be easily accomplished. Its effectiveness is shown in the following. The process is very useful in the Total Quality Management or initiatives of six sigma implementation. It is however generally used in the process improvement. It also aids in the exploration of some problems' solutions. These solutions are then piloted in a manner that is well controlled before finding the best one to be implemented. It is also helpful in maximizing the usage of resources by avoiding wastage. This is because, on a broad scale, the process rules out a solution that is not effective.
By definition, ethics are the rules formulated by the society that governs how its members should conduct themselves. They are the expectations of the society of how its members should behave. Through them, the government can then formulate laws. It, therefore, means that ethics form the basis in which the laws are made. Laws, on the other hand, are the rules made by the government and then enforced to its citizens that govern how the relationships between people should be. They are guided by the principles of the ethics of the society. Laws are mainly for the protection of the citizens by the government. The task of creating rules in a state is given to the three bodies; the legislature, judiciary and public officials (Emelda, 2011).
Ethics comes from the basis of awareness of what is right or wrong in the society. Laws are enacted and enforced to the citizens by the government or the ruling authority of the time. Right from childhood, and when the children become aware of their surroundings, they are made aware of what is wrong and right by their elders. It makes the children have an understanding that they should do to other people what they expect them to do for them in return. In some way, they are inculcated with these values, deep into their conscience, in such a manner that they seem ingrained in their genetic systems. When they opt to divert from the expectations, it is taken as a violation of their values, and a subsequent disregard of what they have been taught all along since childhood. It hits their conscience in one way or the other. Laws, on the other hand, are formu...
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