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Global Positioning System (GPS) Correction Methods

Essay Instructions:

From my instructor,
Write a 500-word summary on the assigned article reading below.  The content of the summary itself must be at least 500 words in length, but no more than 2 pages.
Please ensure that you abide by APA style writing guidelines.  If you are not comfortable with writing in APA, utilize ALL resources at your disposal.  If you are too busy during normal time periods of the day to complete this assignment, please ensure that you decrease your amount of sleep per night by one hour in order to complete this assignment in a timely manner.  One hour per night will result in, at least, 14 hours to complete the assignment which is more than enough time to complete this article reading and summary.
Additional instructions:
- The paper must abide by the APA style guidelines.
- The paper should not have any grammar or spelling errors.
- The summary should be a quality piece of writing which an individual would understand the overarching content of the article it pertains to.
Any mistakes made can result in, at least, a 1-point reduction which can accumulate into multiple points off of your final grade for this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

GPS Correction Methods
Institutional Affiliation
GPS Correction Methods
The Global positioning system (GPS) is a group of satellites that allow people to determine their current location if they have a standard GPS receiver. The receivers are usually accurate by 5 meters; they know their current location by calculating the amount of time it takes for a signal to travel from the satellite in space to the receiver. If a more precise location is needed, the GPS data has to be corrected. This can be done in real time or after the data has been recorded (post processing). Theoretically, all methods of correcting the data should yield the same result. However, the results usually differ because of the different location reference stations, as well as the different equipment being used. The different equipment employs different techniques of correcting the error, and this results in different outcomes. The various methods include DGPS beacon corrections, Wide-Area Augmentation System (WAAS), Satellite Service Providers, Using L-Band Frequencies, Canadian DGPS and Post processed GPS Data.
The DGPS beacon correction is used in America by the Coast Guard. They have installed two control centers and over 60 beacon stations along the American coastline and watercourses. These beacons collect data then send it to control stations for correction, thus improving the accuracy of receivers. In other words, compared to the normal way GPS receivers work, a DGPS beacon transmitter site has a reference point that has been accurately surveyed (altitude, latitude, and longitude). Therefore, it calculates the time it takes for the signal to reach the receiver. Considerin...
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