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Data Resource Management, Internet, and E-Commerce

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Overview
The assignment for Case 4 is two parts. The materials in the Case will demonstrate why it is important to view databases as a set of technologies to support efficient operations, business collaboration, and decision making. You will be introduced to concepts like data warehouses, data marts, data mining, and business intelligence as the survival strategies in today’s competitive environment.
Required Reading
Gallaugher, J. (2012). Information Systems: A Harnessing Guide to Information Technology. FlatWorld Knowledge. Gallaugher Chapter 11 - E-textbook
Gallaugher, J. (2012). Information Systems: A Harnessing Guide to Information Technology. Gallaugher - Chapter 11 PPT [PowerPoint slides].
Oracle. (2009). Maruti Suzuki Business Intelligence and Enterprise. [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=aZWAzbRm-ms
Optional Reading
Tossy, M. (2011). Database design and normalization. Retrieved from http://www(dot)jpmartel(dot)com/bu12ce03.htm
Tossy, M. (2011). The Dbase tables. Retrieved from http://www(dot)jpmartel(dot)com/bu12ce02.htm
Case Assignment Part I
Maruti Suzuki
According to Oracle (2009), “for the past 25 years, Maruti Suzuki has been the industry leader in India’s passenger car market, the fastest growing in world. Since 1995, Maruti Suzuki has built its IT infrastructure on Oracle database and technologies including Oracle Real Application Clusters, Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Server and Weblogic. Maruti Suzuki has built its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system on Oracle E-Business Suite and added Hyperion Enterprise to further enhance financial consolidation and reporting efficiency.”
Oracle Corporation
You may find some of the terms used in the Maruti Suzuki video are new and refer to specific elements of Oracle’s suite. For this reason, the following literature was compiled and included here directly from Oracle (2009). 
Oracle Corporation specializes in developing and marketing enterprise software products particularly database management systems. Through organic growth and a number of high-profile acquisitions, Oracle enlarged its share of the software market. By 2007 Oracle ranked third on the list of largest software companies in the world, after Microsoft and IBM. Subsequently it became larger than IBM after its acquisition of Hyperion and BEA.
The corporation has arguably become best-known due to association with its flagship Oracle database. The company also builds tools for database development, middle-tier software, enterprise resource planning software (ERP), customer relationship management software (CRM) and supply chain management (SCM) software.
Oracle’s Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC), is an option to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition. RAC supports the deployment of a single database across a cluster of servers located throughout the firm providing fault tolerance, performance and scalability with no application changes necessary.
Oracle’s Fusion Middleware is a set of software services (applications) that enable multiple applications in a firm (often from different vendors) to work together by sharing information. So-called “middleware” can be purchased from many large vendors like IBM, HP, Microsoft as well as from thousands of smaller suppliers. Most important, middleware enables a firm to retain older legacy systems and put them to use in a modern, distributed, TCP/IP communications oriented environment.
Hyperion is a performance-oriented management software, sometimes also called business intelligence software. It is an application that works with Oracle databases and Oracle data warehouses to provide real-time data, as well as periodic MIS reports, to managers. Hyperion supports near real-time transaction reporting, graphics and summaries of data, and management dashboards. Together these tools make up Oracle’s “E-business suite.” 
After reading the course materials and watching the video, please answer the following questions in 3-4 pages.
What were the businesses challenges facing Maruti Suzuki management prior to adopting the Oracle suite?
What advantages does Maruti Suzuki derive from working with a single vendor, Oracle? What are the possible risks of working with a single vendor?
What were the important business factors which management used to evaluate Oracle’s database offerings?
Why was it important that a vendor’s products be able to integrate with “legacy systems"?
Case Assignment Part II
For part II, the main readings for the second part of the case are focused on Gallaugher’s Chapter 12, A Managers Guide to the Internet and Telecommunications. Chapter 12 describes the various technologies that make up the Internet infrastructure in order to find the information that one looks for and require to access. For the information to travel fast, the Internet needs the speed and capacity of telecommunication systems, which is known as bandwidth. The speed and capacity of data transmission are measured in bits per second (BPS) or commonly referred as baud rate. For transmission purposes, narrow band channels operate low speed transmission rates of 64K BPS whereas medium speed channels transmit at the speed of 100 MBS.
As stated in Laudon and Laudon (2012) learning track 4, broadband channels provide high-speed transmission rates of 256,000 BPS to billion BPS. The various channels for transmission use microwave, fiber optics, or satellite transmissions, for which each have their own transmission speed.
Required Reading
Gallaugher, J. (2012). Information Systems: A Harnessing Guide to Information Technology. FlatWorld Knowledge. Gallaugher Chapter 12 - E-textbook
Gallaugher, J. (2012). Information Systems: A Harnessing Guide to Information Technology. Gallaugher - Chapter 12 PPT [PowerPoint slides].
Laudon, K., & Laudon, J. (2012). Essentials of MIS. (10th Ed.). Learning Track 2: Broadband network services and technologies. Retrieved from http://wps(dot)prenhall(dot)com/wps/media/objects/14071/14409392/Learning_Tracks/Ess10_Ch06_LT2_Broadband_Network_Services_and_Technologies.pdf
Case Assignment Part II
After reading the course materials, please answer the following questions in 3-4 pages.
What advantages could broadband offer to underserved areas of the world? Is Internet access important for economic development? Why or why not?
Assignment Expectations
Your paper should be short (6-8 pages, not including cover sheet and references) and to the point. It is to be structured as a point/counterpoint argument, in the following manner.
You are expected to:
Begin this paper by stating your position on these questions clearly and concisely
Cite appropriate sources and answer questions directly. Be sure to make the most effective case you can. Then present the best evidence you can, again citing three appropriate outside sources.
You will be particularly assessed on:
Your ability to see what the module is all about and to structure your paper accordingly.
Your informed commentary and analysis -- simply repeating what your sources say does not constitute an adequate paper.
Your ability to apply the professional language and terminology of systems design and analysis correctly and in context; you are expected to be familiar with this language and use it appropriately.
Your effective and appropriate use of in-text citations to the assigned readings and other source material to support your arguments. Refer to the TUI Course Guidelines and or the Purdue University APA formatting and style guide (see optional readings for Module 1) for the proper formats.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Data Resource Management, Internet, and E-Commerce
Case I
1] What were the businesses challenges facing Maruti Suzuki management prior to adopting the Oracle suite?
Maruti Suzuki faced various challenges with the old systems before adopting Oracle products where it was harder to coordinate communication using the homegrown system in place at the time. This reduced efficiency with the staff requiring consolidating information while entering data various times to avoid miscommunication (Oracle, 2009). At the same time, with the expansion of operations for the car manufacturer, it was more difficult to integrate the business activities. The information system management system at the time did not meet the required needs to have information about all the diversified operations including insurance, finance and leasing operations.
India is a vast and diverse country, and firms operating there face stiff competition in the dynamic market. To maintain competitiveness, Maruti Suzuki had to coordinate production information to make it easier to track the cost information (Oracle, 2009). Since operation costs will likely increase without proper planning, the system was ineffective to improve operations. Hence, with the adaptation of the Oracle suite it was easier to coordinate information for all the subsidiaries in the courtly. Additionally, accessing data when required was required and Oracle system was better suited to create database system, where information would be easily accessible promptly when required. In any case, gathering data to ensure information flow requires a proper functioning database management system (Gallaugher, 2012 a).
2] What advantages does Maruti Suzuki derive from working with a single vendor, Oracle? What are the possible risks of working with a single vendor?
One of the main advantages of relying on a single vendor is to minimize compatibility problems. Since Maruti Suzuki adopted the Oracles suite, they used the platform as the information system, with the employees then learning how to operate the system. There are few cases of double data entry, while applications are widely applicable in various features. Since the information system is well integrated with that of Maruti Suzuki, processing information improved as there was certainty on what the system could achieve, and what was expected (Oracle, 2009). There is assurance that various components from Oracle are compatible and integrated with the information system. This is better than relying on various vendors where the technical staff would need to be updated regular on software updates and changes to diverse products.
There is a strategic advantage for relying on one vendor since Maruti Suzuki would then engage with Oracle who offers their consultation services. The vendor knows the software well is best suited to offer solutions and suggestions to improve the efficiency of the information management system. This also creates mutual trust between the vendor and the client, as there is assurance that Oracle is a reliable vendor and consultant who understand how the information system at Maruti Suzuki operates. Additionally, it is possible to manage relationships with the consultant and reduce costs.
Even though, relying on a single vendor enhances collaboration, Maruti Suzuki would likely be less competitive if does not consider other companies. In the event that that there is a major flaw in the information management system, this would likely cause delays in processing information since the firm is overlain on the IT services of a single vendor. In some instances, the vendor affects the client’s decision making by dictating prices and terms of agreements that are favorable to the supplier. This is because the client becomes reliant on a single vendor’s services even when there are more competitive offers in the market.
3] What were the important business factors which management used to evaluate Oracle’s database offerings?
The management weighed the benefits and costs of choosing the database offering compared to other options to make decisions and settle on this alternative. Flexibility and ease of use were high priorities before adoption and implementation of the Oracle database (Oracle, 2009). Employees required flexibility to work with the database system to ensure there was no slowdown to the work processes, while allowing access to information from various locations. The management considered how the system would ease data flow because of ease of use while providing flexibility allowing the users to consider various options. Additionally, relevant information was vital in making decisions affecting the financial and strategic objectives as well as the firm’s competitiveness.
Another factor is expansion and scalability of the activities, since the firm need to expand operations over time while integrating new information without disrupting the database system. As the company grows there is a need to have better control over activities and consolidate the information in a timely manner to ensure that production and information flows smoothly. Other than this was the need to have standardized practices that would be applied to all the subsidiaries of Maruti Suzuki to facilitate coordination of activities. Overall, adopting other Oracle products to integrate with legacy system already in place was necessary, with some of the products being adopted gradually.
4] Why was it important that a vendor’s products be able to integrate with “legacy systems"?
Legacy systems refer to older software and system that are still in use instead of the upgraded options. The suppliers’ products ought to be integrated with the legacy system to ensure there is consistency in providing products and services. The client then expects that the software provided is compatible with the old system to ease transition without interrupting the workflow. However, compatibility should enhance functionality of the devices, since patching an...
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