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How Threat Modeling is used to Determine and Assess threats to Information System and the Role of Vulnerability Assessment in the threat Modeling Process?

Essay Instructions:

Discuss how Threat Modeling is used to determine and assess threats to information system and the roll of vulnerability assessment in the threat modeling process.
The paper should be based on leading industry practices and include at a minimum complete strategies of modeling threats and assessing vulnerabilities, the reasons why these are good strategies, the impact of threats and vulnerabilities on organizations and how organizations can best address its potential impacts.
Illustrations (figures) should be included in explaining and supporting your arguments. Experiments data should be included while possible. 
This assignment must exemplify a scholarly paper that is based on external research in addition to the assigned and recommended course readings. Prepare your paper in Microsoft Word. Include a cover page, running header, table of content, an abstract, main text with section headings, conclusions, and a minimum of 7 references. The page count starts with the Abstract and ends with the Conclusions. The citations and the reference list in the paper should be formatted in accordance with APA 6th edition guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Threat Modeling
Table of contents
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc446655339 \h 3
Threat Modeling PAGEREF _Toc446655340 \h 4
Vulnerability Assessment PAGEREF _Toc446655341 \h 9
Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc446655342 \h 11
This research paper analyzes the procedure for threat modeling and the effects on the security of information system of a firm. It investigates the process used to investigate the possible sources of risks, the levels or standards of risks that can be in an information system in an organization, and the solutions. It has also the vulnerability assessment and the importance attached to it in ensuring the security of the model. The importance of vulnerability testing for threat models is critical for organizations, and it is recommended for use in all the software applications. Lastly, the impacts of threat modeling and vulnerability assessments to organizations are identified.
Threat Modeling
Threat modeling helps in analyzing the risks to information systems that are associated with an application’s use. Attacks and vulnerabilities are identified to meet the security objectives and develop the counter measurements for an organization (Microsoft, 2005). Meeting security objectives helps in smooth operations as it reduces the worries that organizations have about misuse of information. In most cases, this procedure is carried out on applications whose codes have compromised the security of information written in them. Proposal for remodeling of codes will solve these problems that are posing threats to organizations. Some threats are posed by the increase in the number of gadgets that can share the use of some applications within an organization (Mahmud & Malik, 2014).Threat modeling identifies the threats, risks and recommends the changes that should be integrated into writing new codes (Microsoft, 2005). The modeling and vulnerability situations are analyzed to find out how they change security measures in information systems.
Threat modeling has a procedure that it follows for it to realize its goals. The design begins by identifying the threats, effects, design of the possible solutions and the implementation strategies. The techniques chosen for modeling will focus on the attack, assets, and the software structures. All these will circulate what is being built, what can go wrong and how to change the insecurity issues (Shostack, 2014). The tips for identifying threats are determined by the changes from the expectations which are dictated by the results. Before deciding on a procedure there are warnings to check for; one should not ignore errors that are thought to be unnecessary because they are not what the model was focusing on, external entities which are useful as a starting point in case of a dilemma and finally, the focus on the feasible threats (Shostack, 2014). In the similar analysis, the procedure should be well designed so that some possible threats are eliminated. Reduced risks are those that are confirmed not to be causing the problems that are being identified. Other potential threats will have to be looked into to lock out any vulnerability issues. By this method, it will be easier to get convinced of the threats that are posing danger to the information system of an organization (Shostack, 2014). It is after this checklist that the threat is designed to identify and create a modeling process.
In developing a threat model, there are two major parts; the design model and the threat. The model could be an attacker planning to steal information or relevant data from an organization or people getting services in a manner that is not defined by the goals of the organization. The use of this information and data can be harmful to an organization or firm because it can be employed for other gains that will endanger the organization’s security and its reputation. In brainstorming these threats, they should be linked to the application system that the organization uses (Shostack, 2014). The model will identify issues that lead to insecurity issues like keys and passwords, credit card details and confidential business data, health reports of members. At the organization levels, details of operations and resources records can be accessed and misused. After identifying these, the manner of protection is reasoned out and stepping stones used to put all these in place. Before completing the protection procedure, it is important to identify the gravity of the threat, which will locate whether the attacker is inside or outside the organization. STRIDE is a concept majorly used if the threat is within the organization and the protection for issues within the organization is called ASF. The nature of software application in use will guide in the design of the security system.
The final stage is identifying the design model that will be used to counter the threats. The mitigation process will indicate the counter-measure lists that tackle each problem. In this stage, the risks that were classified from the highest to the lowest will be listed against the procedures that can be used to solve them. To address the risk situations, the analysis starts from risks that they have posed to the business and the possible losses that can result from the same. Other options will include taking the risks of such an application or solving the situation for the organization. Finally understanding the application and the reasons that might lead to its ineffectiveness is contributing to the risk factors of information security. Analysis of the software application will have in place the structure of the application, the version of the application, description of the model owner, documentation of the threats, participants and reviewer. In developing the solution, it is important to exclude data tampering, information disclosure, denial of service and more.
Diagram of model
Risk factors involved in threat modeling.
In adopting threat models, the benefits and results are observable during and after the use. When successfully done, the risk of exposure of software to more damage is easy to control. It is one of the modifications that are done to a software application to avoid the risks. Most models will focus on maintaining a profile in risks assessment that will work regularly on the implementation and how it is used. The software design should be accurate to an imperceptible level from any external attacks. Code consistencies will improve the currency with regards to using the applications (Alhefnawi, 2015). They protect the codes from pending attacks and provide sustainable solutions for security in the future. During this stage, it is worth noting that material damage to software can be actual or future. The real damage is that which has occurred and has affected a lot of issues in the organization. Future damage is that which one can foretell its coming. These are dangerous and should be solved as fast as possible (Alhefnawi, 2015).
-95254010025A disadvantage of threat models is if it fails to accomplish the security measures that are expected of it. Some threat models may propose the change to a codin...
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