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Information Technology ITM Week 2 Case. Objectives of IT Governance

Essay Instructions:

please follow instructions on the separate attached document the paper must meets the page requirements not counting the cover page or the references pages. no Grammatical errors any deviation from the instructions will result in automatic revisions. Please follow instructions on the attached document


In this case we investigate the technology-related decision making in organizations.

  • We start by introducing the objective of governance specific to the information technology function and services.
  • Next, we offer to you the fundamental battle in technology management—the constant tug-of-war between centralization and decentralization.
  • We then provide several examples of how real-world organizations have reconciled their choices in how to structure themselves.
  • Next, we present an overview of decision making processes and some of the methods for making decisions.
  • Finally, we present insight into the complexity of real-world choices highlight the politics of information

Before writing-up the essay for this case, read and review the following documents (we recommend in this same order):

  1. Objective of IT governance: http://www(dot)intosaiitaudit(dot)org/intoit_articles/25_p30top35.pdf
  2. Centralization versus Decentralization: 
  3. Different models / Roundtable discussion: http://net(dot)educause(dot)edu/ir/library/pdf/EDU03184.pdf
  4. IT Governance Structure for a public child-welfare agency:
  5. University of South Florida IT Governance Structure: 
  6. Overview of Decision Making: http://www(dot)enotes(dot)com/business-finance-encyclopedia/decision-making
  7. Main methods of business decision-making: http://tutor2u(dot)net/business/organisation/decisionmaking.htm

Write a 4-5 page essay describing the IT governance structure and decision-making processes in your organization. Include a discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of your organization’s circumstances and present and justify one specific improvement you would make to either the structure or a process; be sure to apply the concepts and use the terminology provided in the readings.


Case assignment expectations:

Your assignments will be graded following these expectations:

-          Precision: the questions asked are answered.

-          Clarity:  Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic.

-          Breadth and depth: The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module.

-          Critical thinking:  It is important to read the “required readings” posted in the background material plus others you find relevant. Your paper should include important concepts from these readings and incorporate YOUR reactions and examples that illustrate your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts.

-          Your paper is well written and the references are properly cited and listed (refer to TUI guidelineshttp://support(dot)trident(dot)edu/files/Well-Written-Paper.pdf)

-          Your paper must meets the page requirements not counting the cover page or the references pages.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Information Technology
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With the advent of technology, there has been an increasing need for organizations to realign themselves. The role played by information technology is one that cannot be undermined. Information technology forms part of the concrete foundation upon which every organization must be based. Technology- related decision making can only be done in full consideration of certain pertinent factors. This discussion looks at the key factors that are considered in making such decisions. In addition, the discussion will also look at information technology governance structure that is adopted by organizations.
Objectives of IT Governance
IT governance is a newly coined term whose use has become common with the advent of information technology. The main focus of IT governance is the performance of systems that are within information technology spectrum. The main objective of IT governance is to ensure that all the investments made produce anticipated value. IT governance also seeks to reduce the risks that come about as a result of Information Technology (Mehdi, 2010). IT governance can therefore be said to mainly concern itself with the mainstreaming of systems within the information technology. This is to ensure that those who make investments in this area can reap maximally.
So as to ensure that the objectives of IT governance are achieved, there is a need to have a structure in place. The structures will vary from one organization to another depending on the needs of each. Within the structure, there must be responsibilities and roles that ought to be well defined. It is through IT governance that strategy of various corporate is integrated with the benefits of information technology. Through IT governance, each organization can strategically place her needs to ensure that technology is used to realize the projected goals of the organization.
Centralization versus Decentralization
Centralization in the field of information technology refers to a top to bottom approach. This is where all the systems within the information technology spectrum are managed from one singe point. There is only source from which all the systems are controlled. Due to the dynamism of information technology, this approach more of ten slows down the implementation of IT governance within an organization. A centralized approach brings with a hierarchy and protocols which govern the execution and implementation of systems.
Decentralization on the other hand refers to departmentalization where there is segmentation in terms of implementation and execution of IT governance. This is done with the realization that different organizations within an organization have different needs (Yates, 2011). As such their mandate is different as far IT governance is concerned. Decentralization has been found to be effective as it ensures that the IT needs of each department within an organization are met. Together, the various departments work together to ensure that the ultimate goals of the organization in terms of IT integration are realized. There are various models which can be integrated within an organization. Each model is unique and is dependent on the IT needs of the organization.
IT Governance in My Organization
IT governance in my organization has adopted a number of models all which are aimed at ensuring that the ultimate organization is achieved. With the realization of the existence of myriad of needs within the organization, there is a need to adopt different models. The organization has a department that solely deals with matters on information technology. The IT department in the organization is considered central in all matters of information technology. This department offers guidelines that help other departments within the organization to comply. This department makes all crucial decisions relating to information technology. Those in the debarment of IT are fully trained practitioners who understand in great depths the nitty-gritty of the field. It is also this department that helps the organization remains in tandem with the dynamism of the field.
The second in the hierarchy is the various departments within the organization. Each department has varying information technology needs. For...
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