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Information System

Essay Instructions:

Topic 1: Discuss how the round robin scheduling algorithm works.

Topic 2: Discuss the strength and weakness of each of the CPU scheduling algorithm.

Topic 3 :Discuss two hardware technology trends and explain their implications for business organizations. 

Topic 4 :What trends are occurring in the development and use of major types of computer systems?

Who is involved in the systems development projects? Users and IT staff? What are the definitions of each group? i.e. User, IT staff, IT manager, business owner, steering committee? Who defines the project scope?

Discuss the differences between computer security and information security. As you explore the various technologies available for security, which would you select and why?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

MODULE 2 DISCUSSIONS: information system
1] Round robin scheduling algorithm
The scheduling algorithm is necessary for the CPU during the execution processes and is useful in time sharing systems. The process scheduling that relies on round robin focuses on first-served scheduling and there is preemption, whereby processes run for a limited time period. For instance, the Round Robin scheduling algorithm is used in webs cluster systems whereby a real server is selected and forwarded as a web request to real servers through using the Round Robin method (Yau, et al., 2010). The quantum time period allows the CPU to execute the process for a fixed time interval ensuring that no process left.
2] Discuss the strength and weakness of each of the CPU scheduling algorithm.
First Come First schedule is simple to implement, but the waiting time can be long especially when there are both short and long CP bursts. The approach performs badly compared to the round Robin when dealing with time-sharing systems.
The Round robin scheduling is also simple complement and has preemptive scheduling, making it beneficial for time sharing systems that have simple jobs. However, ready queue is more like a circular queue. Compared to the FCFS, RR requires time slice/ quantum for each process at a time (Umich.edu, n.d.). Besides, the process keeps running until it is terminated, blocked and time quantum is up, meaning, there is a need to have frequent context switches that may cause high overheads.
Priority Scheduling places importance on the high priority jobs in the queue and process to be completed. However, the main problem is that the scheduling algorithm focuses on indefinite blocking.
In the Shortest Job First method, the CPU chooses the shortest route to job completion in a queue, but there is no preemption. As such, SJFM scheduling is optimum since there is focus on the least waiting time when there are various processes. However, implementing the scheduling method can be complicated since it is difficult to know the execution time (Umich.edu, n.d).
For Multi-level Feedback Queues, there are multiple process queues in the scheduling algorithm where there are different priorities. It is most adaptive, where the high priority queue stake precedence, but there is also Round robin scheduling.
3] Discuss two hardware technology trends and explain their implications for business organizations?
There is increased use of smart gadgets in information technology, especially with the growth in wireless technology to facilitate internet communication while requiring little human intervention (Joseph, 2014). This implies that business will utilize networking to share information. Another trend is the improvement in the processing and storage capacity of comput...
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