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Vulnerability Discussion Risk Management

Essay Instructions:

Define, describe, and provide an example for one of these terms: vulnerability, threat, and risk. How do you manage risk? 

From The Art of Software Security Assessment by Dowd, McDonald and Schuh, (Google Books 2006.) 

“In the context of software security, vulnerabilities are specific flaws or oversights in a piece of software that allow attackers to do something malicious, expose or alter sensitive information, disrupt or destroy a system, or take control of a computer system or program.” 

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It is the weakness or flaw in the computer system security procedures, implementation, design, or internal control that can be exercisable. In return, vulnerability results in the violation or security breach of the system’s security policy in the computer programs. Besides, vulnerability in the computer software is defined to be the safety flaws in a computer system that allows the attack to be of great success. Vulnerabilities in a computer system can also be created by the improper security configurations in the computing system (Vacca,2013).
Threats to the computer exploit the weakness of the vulnerabilities hence resulting in the potential damage to the data stored in the computers. The testing of vulnerability is advised to be performed on the ongoing basis by the parties that are responsible for resolving such vulnerabilities (Hao,2005). These activities of testing help in the provision of data that are used to identify dangers that are unexpected to security and needs to be addressed.
Vulnerabilities in the computer can also be said to be the unintended flow in the computer software code or system that leaves the network open to the potential exploitation. These exploitations can be in the form of the unauthorized access or the type of malicious behavior like the viruses, Trojan horses, worms, and, any other form of malware. Security vulnerability in the computer can result from the weak passwords, software bugs, or software that has already been infected by the computer viruses(Pfleeger,2012). Also, it results from the script code injection where the security vulnerabilities require fixes or patches for the prevention of the potential for compromised integrity by the malware or hackers.
Types of vulnerability
The vulnerabilities are categories into different categories by the IRB-SBS. Heartbleed is a critical security vulnerability that is detected in the Open SSL of the Mac OS systems. It was discovered in 2014 and left some cryptographic private data and keys from the most life sites and services on the internet left to trackers. It is classified to be the one of the worst internet threat in history (Kizza,2005). Heartbleed attack enables an attacker to retrieve a memory block of the server up to 64kb while responding directly from the vulnerable ...
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