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Google's Project Tango

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This is a mobile and wireless portal that provides mobile technology news and reviews of different companies regarding new products and or services and also regarding other general information on new technologies and companies in the technological field. The page provides links that allow a user to access extra information and allows users to provide a response through blogs. A good website is judged on the basis of five key elements that are appearance content, functionality, web site usability, and search engine optimization (spritzweb.com, 2012).
In regards to appearance, the page is professionally prepared with texts that can be easily read and visually appealing as it possesses quality photographs. The page scores well in regards to content as all the information is relevant and interesting for an individual interested in the area. The portal is functioning well and provides well researched content with no grammatical errors. Finally, in regards to usability, the site is well organized with fasting loading pages and a minimal scroll. In addition, it has prominent legal navigation with descriptive links. However, it has a large number of links that increase the complexity of the page (spritzweb.com, 2012).
Google intends to create advanced mobile tablet equipment that will allow the viewing of complex 3D objects. This is part of their project to develop futuristic tablets to begin on 22nd May, 2014. These tablets will have a 7 - inch screen with two rear cameras including an infrared sensor that detects depth and software rendering three dimensional images. This project to develop such equipment is known as Project Tango that was launched early this year (February) by the Google ATAP. The project's aim is to incorporate robotics and computer vision into the mobile phone technology (Weiss, 2014).
The first initiative of this project intended to create a highly customized mobile phone with the ability to track in real time the movement of the form in full 3D. The phone had 50inch screen, a 4 megapixel camera, and a vision processor including a motion tracker and depth sensing camera. Integrating these technologies on a phone could help the visually impaired and other features incorporated to help shoppers create a virtual gaming environment, and offer directions (Weiss, 2014).
Two hundred prototypes were built from thick paper by ATAP while collaborating with universities, research labs, and industrial partners in 9 countries after 10 years of research and the aim t...
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