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Essay Questions: Ideation Process

Essay Instructions:

Final Project Part 1

The focus on the first part of this project is to select a new innovative technology or application concept (something new and not currently on the market) for a specific technology or application that will be developed and ultimately marketed. The new technology or application concept selected for this paper will be used as focus for the remaining written assignments. You will write a 2–3 page (350 words per page) paper in APA format addressing the following topics below. You should also include as part of this paper any acknowledgements and resources used (e.g., websites, textbooks, articles). Each written assignment should include three or more references.

•Describe the ideation process (e.g. generating, filtering and validating ideas) to come up with a new specific technology or application

•Alternative solutions or concepts considered through the process

•Overview of the technology or application concept selected

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Ideation process
Ideation process is a brainstorming process that is used in the innovative process of a particular technology or application. The business environment ideation process is the process by which ideas are generated and validated to ensure that the process yields in a specific new product or business concept. In the development of new applications for computing or technologies which can be used in the business world, ideation process involves certain steps that the ideas go through towards achieving the required specifications. These steps include generating the ideas for the new technology, filtering the ideas to find the best fit and validating of the ideas (Robinson, 2009). In the development of technology these steps are important since they determine the success of the application once it is deployed to work. With the objectives and goals set and well defined the tasks to fulfill the objectives are identified which predetermine the success of the application.
Objective and goal definition is the first step in ideation brainstorming process. This step involves the analysis of the problem to be tackled and carrying out an in-depth analysis of the problem to understand what the purpose of the application to be developed is. Formulation of the tasks that are needed to accomplish the success of the application is the next step in the brainstorming process. The developer of the technology or application identifies the tasks that will be needed in the course of the development and alternative solutions and how to incorporate them in the development process (Jonson, 2008).
During the generation of ideas step, the developer will preview different ideas and approaches which can be utilized to accomplish the defined objectives. The generation of ideas involves the collection of all th...
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