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Database Implementation-Case

Essay Instructions:

 Note: Study background materials carefully before starting on assignments.

Case Assignment

In this assignment, you will first normalize the tables in Community library database, then create the database using OpenOffice. You are required to accomplish the following:

  • Based on what you have learned in this module, describe the tables you designed in Module 2 Case Assignment, do you think they have met the requirement for the first, second, and third normal form? If you believe your tables are already in the third normal form, explain why.
  • If there are changes in your design, draw another ER diagram based on the revised design.
  • Write SQL statement to create tables you just revised in OpenOffice environment, and execute them in the Control Center. Take a screen shot of the SQL statements and tables you have created and paste it to word document.
  • Describe your experience with this assignment, problems you have encountered, and lessons learned.

Assignment Expectations

  • Demonstrate understanding on normalization.
  • Apply SQL to create tables.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Trident University
Database Implementation-Case
Course: ITM 440 Database Technology and Database Administration
This is an attempt to normalize the data in order to make the tables more efficient in line with the need to improve the database. This extends from the first, second and third normal forms (1NF, 2NF and3NF). Typically, the SQL statements are necessary when there is a need to improve the initial tables. Normalization is related to dividing a database into more tables that define a relationship, allowing for addition, deletion as well as modification of the fields where necessary (Sumathi & Esakkirajan, 2007). Under the first normal form, one needs to eliminate all groups that are repeated to create separate tables for the various set of related data. There is also need to identify the primary key for each data set. From the previous table, the tables meet this criteria with the social security identified as the primary key.
There is no need for further decomposing the relations, as the information did not have any anomalies. The well-structured relation allowed for insertion as there were minimal redundancies. In any case, the process of grouping the attributes together focused on the relationship in the design. This is consistent with the need to eliminate the unnecessary duplication of data. Relational tables follow a specific normal form after satisfying a set of constraints, with normalization necessary to remove redundancies so long as there is no compromise on data integrity (Chopra, 2010). Ideally, the normalization focuses on simplifying the more complex entity specifications, with the third normal form removing the transitive deficiencies having already dealt with repeating groups and practical dependencies (Harrington, 2009).
The previous tables on community library and information on customer checkout adhere to the third normal form (3N...
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