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Determining Devil’s Canyon Potential Risks

Essay Instructions:

Using the potential risks for Devil’s Canyon you identified in Wk 4, create a 4- to the 5-page paper to share with the team. In your paper, you should discuss each topic below:

: Describe briefly each of the identified risks/threats.

: Evaluate the security controls that mitigate each of the risks/threats identified.

: Provide a rationale for how each of the controls identified mitigates the risk to an acceptable level.

: Research and describe the security technologies and security design that can be used to mitigate each of the identified information security risks.

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Devil's Canyon Potential Risks
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Devil's Canyon Potential Risks
Privacy is an essential matter in the world of business and entrepreneurship. However, numerous risks go into operating a business with the use of technology. Technology provides efficiency for a business to grow over; it can also provide reasons for a business to fall. This essay analyzes Devil's Canyon's potential threats and measures to combat them.
Risks and Threats
Phishing risk is a possibility for Devil's Canyon due to its security inadequacies. This attack is a form of social engineering attempt at stealing user data such as login details and credit card numbers. Often the attackers masquerade as part of a trustworthy entity which will dupe the users to open spam emails and click on suspicious links. Consequently, users risk installing malware and computer viruses that can result in the freezing of systems. This attack is prevalent in large network attacks targeting corporate or governmental entities such as Devil's Canyon.
Successful attacks pose further threats to a corporation, such as the presence of malware. Malware involves the targeted use of trojans and viruses where attackers can create codes. The codes grant them access to protected networks to steal data such as passwords and PINs CITATION GER18 \l 1033 (STRAWBRIDGE, 2018). Over the years, the attackers have become more creative and sophisticated in creating codes that takedown protected networks. Therefore, there is an increasing demand for the malicious skills which are being used to steal data and destroy competition.
Ransomware is an expansion of malware that is designed to encrypt data from certain devices. By doing this, the rightful owner is denied access to the data or any authority, such as changing passwords. The attackers then use the information as leverage to extortion for the data to be unlocked. However, there is still a risk that after payment, the attackers might break the terms of the agreement. When the rightful owner is denied access, the attackers can copy the data and sell it to rival institutions for more money.
These attacks are risky to an organization such as Devil's Canyon due to the business's heavy reliance on technology. Weak passwords and distribution of access across the organization provide an internal threat. Attackers are clever when figuring out possible passwords; therefore, it is important to have a secure combination that is well guarded. Internal breaches from employees and other associates can thrive in a company with weak passwords and uncontrolled access to company information. Such breaches can make Devil's Canyon vulnerable to lawsuits and credibility loss, undermining the trust between the customers, associates, and stakeholders.
Security Controls
There are actions that an organization can take against cyber threats to safeguard their information. Education is an overlooked concept in some organizations, but it can be essential in combating cyber-attacks. The attackers are coming up with new ways of enacting their plans; therefore, the employees need to be updated. Phishing attacks rely on human naivety for them to work; therefore, one should be alert to the potential of attacks. Education will equip the employees with the needed knowledge to detect and avoid suspicious websites or accounts employing phishing techniques. Employees can therefore report suspicious emails to ensure that malicious emails are not opened in the organization. Attackers rarely target one individual; rather, they send traps to numerous individuals in the company. It only takes one person to fail for the scam to occur; therefore, training is necessary to develop an aware team.
The creation of policies is another control that can help to safeguard company information. For instance, an organization the size of Devil's Canyon should have an email security policy. Such policies contain anti-phishing principles that involve the definition of an acceptable way of using corporate email. Employees are supposed to follow the policy depending on the outlined means to respond to potential attacks, such as reporting to IT or deleting the phishing content.
The use of a firewall can help in keeping malware at bay for a virus-free computer. A firewall is a security device that can monitor incomings and ou...
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