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Database Systems

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Database Systems

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Database Systems
Data, information and knowledge have an intricate relationship that underlines their basic usefulness in statistics and database management. Data leads to information, while information leads knowledge. However they are all different elements in their unique nature(Bellinger, Castro & Mills, 2004). Data basically refers to facts, symbols, elementsor numbers collected in either structured or unstructured manner. Usually it is raw and without any form of significance in this state to itself. Information on the other hand is data that has been processed, with an element of relational connection beyond the data to what it relates to or a subject matter defined by the person manipulating the data(Bellinger, Castro & Mills, 2004). Knowledge is then the meaning that is derived from the data that has been analyzed relative to certain variables. It is this latter stage of data management that makes the process of data collection worthwhile. While the three elements have subtle significance to the process of gaining an understanding of certain elements under study, they have different meanings at an independent level.
Databases play a crucial in today’s society, whether applied in academics or in the career realm. They form part of every firm and organization that exists and thus their importance cannot be understated. There are quite a number of reasons that underline the importance of a database in any form or factor. Relative to the amount of data that has to be stored on a daily basis, databases offer the best solution to storage of the same while consuming the least amount of space on the platform used. Whenever one needs to find any kind of information from the database, regardless of how big the records or how long they have accumulated over years, retrieving information is always very easy due performance optimization features(Bbc.co.uk, 2014). By using the search protocols of the database, finding information becomes stress-free. Manipulating data on the database is also quite easy regardless of large the data is. This means that, storing, copying, editing, adding and deleting data is easy. Performing statistical computations is also relatively easy, as there are import functions to other applications to the desire and requirements of the users(Thakur, 2015). It is also important to point out that databases offer different users access at the same time, thereby enhancing productivity. Databases also tend to offer better security compared to paper files that can easily be lost or misplaced. Most databases offer robust security features relative to the sensitivity of the data stored, such as different authorization levels and track changes(Bbc.co.uk, 2014).
Using databases does not only save on space used to store all the records but also save on the time used to organize data and manipulate, thereby resulting economic benefits. Uses also enjoy the ability to link data from the various sources(Thakur, 2015). In a company using a database, the employees are able to link the data collected from the sale department, the finance department, marketingand production among others to make head ways in their strategic plans projections(Knickelbine, 2015).
A database management system is a program that allo...
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