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Socio-Technical Systems

Essay Instructions:

After reading and analyzing the following case in relation to the below readings, write a 4 FULL page paper on the following topic: Not 3 and a one half pages, 4 FULL pages please. Answer & discuss the following questions based on the below readings/cases:;;; 

"Which was more important in shaping the final outcome in Painter's case study—the organization's technical system or its social system? What STS principles discussed in Painter’s case can be generalized to any project?"

"Describe what you see as the critical elements of both the technical system and the social system, and how they interacted over the course of the implementation. Identify what you see as the key turning points in the process, and how the resolution reflected the influence and function of each system."

***Points to consider, NO Plagiarism please!!! The Case for this assignment centers on an organization implementing a new computer-based information processing system. Thousands of organizations go through systems implementations throughout the year—you may have been involved in one or more such "technology implementations." Despite this body of experience; the advice of thousands of consultants, researchers, and computer gurus; and the leverage of multibillion-dollar corporations such as Microsoft, Google, and Oracle; a large proportion of these transformations fail to achieve their goals or result in more complications and in some cases result in failed systems. Why is this, and can applying a socio-technical perspective improve the odds of success? Start by familiarizing yourself with the socio-technical idea and vocabulary; good sources include those listed below. Although some references are more than five years old, they include a classical approach to the STS theory.

***USE THESE 4 REFERENCES AND READINGS!!****(Open links.) Also use ONE additional outside/ personal reference. 

1.) Painter, B. (n.d.). Socio-Technical Design of Knowledge Work: A Case Study. Retrieved from http://www(dot)moderntimesworkplace(dot)com/STS_KnowledgeWork.pdf

2.) ComputingCases.org. (2011). Why a Socio-Technical system? Retrieved from http://computingcases(dot)org/general_tools/sia/socio_tech_system.html

3.) Scacchi, W. (n.d.). Institute for Software Research, University of California Irvine. Retrieved from http://www(dot)ics(dot)uci(dot)edu/~wscacchi/Papers/SE-Encyc/Socio-Technical-Design.pdf

4.) Association of Information Systems. (n.d.) Socio-technical theory. Retrieved from http://istheory(dot)byu(dot)edu/wiki/Socio-technical_theory

Please write an A+ paper, Thank you!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Socio-Technical Systems
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Socio-technical systems (STS) refers to the organizational approach to the inter-relationships between the employees and the technology used in the work environment. Socio-technical systems consider the social dimensions of the employees and the technical aspects of the organization’s processes or even structures. The theory tries to merge these two so as to uncover the best optimizable conditions that can produce the best possible results. In understanding the STS, the organization will be considered as the system. A system is defined as a set of entities and the relationships between these entities; the relationships between the different entities is described by functions (ComputingCases.org, 2011). The system has set boundary limits and conditions. Moreover, the system may be viewed as one whole element (superstructure) and the entities as sub-systems. The entities are arranged in the degree of functionality. In this way, we get the hierarchy of the system. The functionality of the system is based on several principles for the success of the STS. These principles include:
The structural aspect determines the functionality of the system.
Different structures can produce the same functionality (equifunctionality)
One hierarchal level cannot wholly describe a system (excluded reductionism)
The system goes beyond the set of elements it is composed of.
These principles will have different results when applied to a variety of genres like scientific applications or social aspects.
Technical specialists tend to ignore the social aspects of their work, but also social scientists lack the technological know-how behind the functionality of the technical objects. Systems theory tries to merge both sides (Zha, 2006). Therefore, a systems model would include both the social and the technical circumstances, people and the machines alike, the society’s technization and the socialization of this technology. Though we have described the socio-technical system, it is a much more complex combination due their very close inter-relations. The socio-technical systems usually include:
The hardware: these usually include the workstations and the physical aspects of the machines alike.
The software: they usually incorporate the social rules and the laid out organizational standards and procedures. From a technological aspect, the software includes the operating systems and the specialized programs.
People: these include the individuals, specialized persons, and even the agencies themselves.
Physical surrounding: the environment of the workplace also influences the social relationships between the different elements in the system, for example, the architectural design of a building can determine what type and how technology will be applied.
Procedures: They determine the organization’s implementation process. It encompasses management models, documentation requirements, rules and the norms of the organization.
Data and the data structures: from this aspect, you consider the type of data being collected, how they would be collected and stored, the person(s) who will access them and in what format they would be stored.
Laws and regulations: they are similar to the procedures only that they carry with them penalties if broken.
An STS is dynamic; it can take different forms over an entire period since it is configurable in all its entities or subsystems (being configurable means distinct entities in an STS may change and also even among those entities the configuration of one entity can change). The change can occur at one level or might be multi-level. The interaction between the entities or the levels may be partly linear and partly non-linear (Scacchi). Therefore, the optimization of one will tend to increase the unpredictability affecting the overall system performance. As such, socio-technical theory constitutes majorly joint optimization (designing the social entities and the technical entities to work in sync for better results).
Consider an organization that is involved in system change; it is implementing a new computer-based information processing system dubbed as the E-File. The E-File system started out as a technological innovation meant to improve the ...
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