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Counterfeit Components in Electronics Management

Essay Instructions:
write a two page summary paper that identifies the problem of your rearch and defines the importance of the problem. use the annotated bibliography to help write this paper ( annotated bibliography is attached). your summary paper must contain heading for at least 3 major section. you dont need a reference list or citation in this summary paper.
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Background of the problem
Counterfeit components are a growing concern in electronics management. Research has shown that a considerable number of vital electronic gadgets harbor counterfeit components. For instance, it has been established that warplanes and aircrafts are at times fitted with cheap, fake and substandard electronic components that jeopardize their functionality in the battlefield besides shortening their field life. Similarly, counterfeit computer and electronic components have in the past crippled communication networks and rendered them ineffective during critical moments. These technical glitches have been largely attributed to use of repackaged, refurbished and relabeled fake electronic parts such as resistors, ICs and capacitors.
The research problem
Today, the issue of counterfeit electronic parts is real and significant. Fake electronic components continue to find their way into critical supply chains. Consequently, the integrity of previously secure medical, defense and research electronic systems has been compromised, thereby increasingly putting the world and lives at risk. In addition, the sense of national security previously derived from the availability of highly reliable computer and electronic security systems is no longer guaranteed since some of these systems may contain faulty components that could render the system useless at any time. Similarly, the safety of passengers using both electronics-dependent high-speed trains and planes is no longer assured. Moreover, the lifespan and functionality of both commercial and domestic electronic gadgets has been rendered uncertain due to increased use of counterfeit components in the manufacture of these gadgets.
Available literature attributes influx of counterfeit electronic parts into the market to irregular procurement procedures and porous supply chains. Unsecure supply chains abound with loopholes through which fake microchips, circuit boards and other counterfeit parts infiltrate. Additionally, lack of strict intellectual legislations and reluctance to enforce the available ones also contribute to continued production of forged electronic components in such countries as China. Even with extensive literature on counterfeit components, the available knowledge fails to exhaustively explore the impact of fake electronic parts on national security and public safety. Therefore, a study in this area may potentially boost the understanding of the implications that counterfeit electronic components have on national security and public safety.
Importance of the problem
The stated research problem has economic, security and safety significance. To begin with, it will help appraise the dangers that counterfeit electronic components pose to those who operate or rely on electronic systems fitted with bogus parts. Secondly, this problem will help generate knowledge on how off-the-shelf counterfeit components that have such prohibited materials as zinc, tin and cadmium can be identified, thereby protecting users and th...
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